Im sorry

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Y/n pov.
Tommy looked at me I could see he was upset. "Hey someone has to keep our brothers from committing world domination who better to be the hero than you?" I sighed as I gave him a smile and put my hand on his shoulder.

He just looked at the ground. "Hey look at me, Tommy..."

He looked up and he looked upset. "Y/n... we've been by each other our whole lives..."

I smiled "I know, but our paths have to separate at some point right? Plus we can still hang out I'm not going away forever I just can't go back right now."

"You promise we can still hang out?"

"I promise." And with that, we walked back up to the other two. "Ranboo are you enjoying it at Tubbos place? I hope he's behaving." I smiles and playfully elbowed Ranboo.

"Yep! Thank you again tubbo... I really do appreciate you letting me stay for a time-" Tommy cut him off.

Tommy caught "and what about you y/n?"

Suddenly everyone was looking at me. "What does that mean Tommy?"

Tommy looked at me "she's refusing to go home because technoblade and the others offended her pretty badly. So she's decided to run away for a little bit..." she said as the other two looked at me shocked.

I rubbed my arm "don't worry about me I'll figure something out I'll probably see if I can't find a nice tree or something to sleep on. Plus I really needed to build my own house... I mean I didn't want to live with everyone else forever..."

Tubbo ended up bonking me with his horns too. "No, I have a couch too! You can stay with us no reason to be outside." Tubbo smiled. "I mean at least until you build your house ok?"

I just rubbed my arm "are you sure it's ok... I don't want to be a bother."

"Yeah of course let's go!"

I was led the other way from home and I waved goodbye to Tommy as I followed tubbo and Ranboo. I walked silently behind them, still just trying to take the time to process everything that had just happened. I didn't actually plan on building my house or staying here long. I felt bad knowing I had lied to Tommy but I just had to get away from everything and everyone

"Y/n I can see your face... are you sure that this is what you're wanting? It's really no issue staying with us..." Tubbo said softly as he held the door open for me and Ranboo.

"I don't really have much of a choice for now... and I know it's not an issue that's not the problem though..."

"You want to leave... Don't you..?" Ranboo asked softly cutting me off as I looked up at him and then back at the ground. " when you leave take me with you..."

I looked up at him "Ranboo you love it here though you have friends and people who care about you... you don't really want that..."

"You're my friend... I like it here so much cause I met you and you helped me find everyone else... Plus Tubbo can come too and we could take Tommy..." he trailed off and kept talking up but at that point, I had zoned out I couldn't figure out why he would want to come with me.

Why would he want to come with me... I mean im not against it and even so a part of me wants him to come along and join me when I run away. Maybe I could bring Tubbo and everyone else. But that's not really running away is it? I moved my knees to my chest and whimpered. What did I want? Freedom? Space? A start over? No none of that... I simply want to disappear. But im scared to just disappear...

"Y/n... are you ok?" i felt a hand on my shoulder that drew me out of my mind as i looked up at Tubbo and a worried Ranboo. I could feel the tears running down my face as I nodded.

"Yeah... im fine" after that tubbo Nodded and I made myself comfortable on the couch.

By the time we all got settled, I was pretty much half asleep. "Y/n? Where are your blankets and pillow?" Tubbo asked me confused.

"I'm good without any" I stretched and laid on my stomach as I opened my eyes to look up at tubbo.

And a pillow was launched at me. I looked and made eye contact with tubbo who was the one who threw the pillow at me. "That's it you tiny sheep!"

"Excuse you I am a goat!" Tubbo said but once I picked up the pillow he seemed to catch onto what I was doing. "I Uh... Ranboo!!! I need backup!"

I threw the pillow but tubbo sucked and it hit Ranboo. "She attacked you Ranboo that means your on my team grab a pillow we are going to war!" Tubbo yelled as he grabbed the pillow and Ranboo walked off and came back with two pillows.

I got ready and as the fight started tubbo charged at me and it didn't take me to have tubbo down and I had his pillow. "Alright, Ranboo you just gonna stand there or what?"

"I've seen you fight and I'd rather not," he said with a smile. "And tubbo I think your losing."

"No duh! Now help me pretty please!"

"You'd have to get past me first."

"Uhhh... I'm sorry tubbo."

"Traitor!" Tubbo yelled at Ranboo.

I smiled "Ranboo help me attack Him.

"Ya see I'd rather just not pick a side."

I smiled "your not picking a side your just picking people. Trust me it's a lot easier to think that way."

"So as your bestie can you help me?"

Suddenly a pillow was thrown at Me I caught it and looked at Ranboo. "If that's how it's played looks like I'm on my side." I stood up as Ranboo spoke.

"Ranboo come here!" I ran after him.

"Uh, no thanks!" He said as he used his pillow to block mine. "Tubbo! Help me!"

"No, I don't wanna fight her" I almost lost it when tubbo quoted Ranboo.

Needless to say, I won't fight cause sure enough I with a bit of a struggle with how dealing tall he was did manage to bring Ranboo down.

"Victory!" I yelled as I flopped down beside the other two males who were still o the ground from when I overwhelmed tubbo and practically tackled Ranboo.

We all just looked at each other before we all just started laughing.

"You tackled me?!" Ranboo said offended.

"You're too lengthy! I don't think I could pick you up and if I could it would look pretty weird" I laughed "sorry I couldn't just pick you up pretty boy"

"I'm not- wait what did you call me?" I looked at the duel-colored boy who had a purple blush across his face.

"I called ya lengthy" I teased.

"No not that!"

How to flirt with tall ender boys. (Reader x Ranboo.)Where stories live. Discover now