I Need Help

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Y/n pov

Everything was moving so fast. I was running and hiding  in the woods.  I heard yelling and screaming. The sound pierced my ears. It sounded familiar, it sounded close.

"Run! Please Run!"


I yelled out but the words sounded blurred out. I was shoved. I was holding onto someone as we got cramped and pushed into a space. I felt my back tear and stretch painfully as I whimpered and cried. I could faintly hear crying as everything suddenly got dark and all I could see were two bright yellow eyes.

"Such a horrid dream~ its time to wake up Y/n~"

  I woke up gasping for air and holding my chest as I felt tears running down my cheeks as I tried to make sense of the dream I just had. It was blurry and I couldn't remember much other than the pain, the yelling and those yellow eyes.I whimpered and got up wiping my eyes as I looked around my room, my eyes meeting my flowers still as perfect as they were yesterday. I took a deep breath and listened in for any sounds. Seems like I woke up before anyone else.

Processing that i reach over grabbing and putting on the quiver techno got me on my hip and slung my bow over my shoulder and slipped the string over my head so I wouldn't have to hold it as I filled my quiver with a few of my arrows and the ones Ranboo made me. But as I tried to put it over I winced and felt it get snagged on something causing me to gasp out in pain as I hissed and carefully removed my bow from my shoulder.

I turned towards the mirror and looked. It didn't take me long to see that my favorite cyan blue tight crop top was ripped when I had caught sight of the wings now  bigger. "They grew in my sleep? And my shirt..." I grumbled at the fabric that had torn just enough for the two wings that had doubled in size from just the size of my Hand to almost the size of my Forearm.

I grumbled softly as I gently pulled my shirt off and bra off as I looked at my back. The wound the wings had came out of looked angry with how red and irritated they were in the moment. I sighed trying to figure out how to hide these not only that but the cuts looked infected and with the spot the where in I knew I had to get help with cleaning them. When the perfect people came to mind finally. I took my quiver off and put on a shirt with most of the back cut out so that they would be able to see the damage to help me clean them.

I grabbed a black cloak I had in my closet and put that on as well as I snuck out of the house and started to make my way to tubbos house being extra careful to stay away from the city and stay out of sight of everyone before I finally made it to the house. I knocked quickly and prayed they would be home and awake. When the door finally opened it revealed a tired and still half asleep Tubbo and I could see Ranboo peeking around the corner.

"y/n? What are you doing? Why Are you dressed like that?"

"Tubbo... i-i need help... please.." i said softly

Tubbo looked at me concerned before Ranboo rushed to the door  and they both allowed me inside as I sat on the couch and looked at them both. " Look, I'm about to show you something... Ranboo already knows about it but now you get to as well tubbo please don't freak out... I just need help cleaning it and it has to stay a secret.."

Tubbo nodded "ok you have my word it'll stay a secret just show me what you need help with..."

"I'm sorry..." I said softly as I looked down. I heard Ranboo come back as he sat down next to me and gently put his hand on mine.

"Hey it's gonna be ok..." he said softly as he looked at me.

"Alright y/n this is gonna suck and hurt  but i need to clean this with the big stuff ok?" he said as I tensed as i felt him wipe it down with something. " alright on three. 1, 2, 3,"

I felt a liquid get poured into the wounds and suddenly they felt like thye lit on fire as i gasped and cried out "Fuck!" I gripped Ranboos hand tightly as I felt tears  starting to burn and blur my eyes.

Tears ran down my face as Tubbo continued to clean out the wounds on my back. I felt my wings tense and I squirmed in my spot.  I looked down when I felt Ranboos hand squeeze mine tighter. I looked down and saw my tears on the back of his hand. It didn't process at the time what that meant as I continued to cry. It took about 10 minutes of sheer and horrible burning pain on my back before Tubbo rubbed some weird cream on it and gently wrapped up my back carefully to leave my wings out of the bandages.

"Alright Y/n, i did what you asked without pressing you too much cause i know you were already stressed but now it's time for you to share. What the hell happened and when did you get wings?" he asked seriously as he looked up at me.

I sighed softly as I looked at him and freed Ranboo's hand watching him wipe the back of it against the couch quickly  before I focused back on tubbo. " i-its a long story... I'm not all too sure why the wings decided to show up now and I don't have any memories of my actual parents to know if either one had wings or not... I wish I did, I would ask all the questions in the world... i would give a lot to just be able to talk to even just one them and figure everything out."

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