Late night falling asleep

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Y/n pov.

I  left the house and slowly walked off to the woods when I got there I started to head off towards where me and raboo would meet up at. When I got closer I could hear quiet crying.

I could see a figure sitting against a tree curled up. Something about it made space out.  And everything blurred a bit as I heard a woman crying and a small boy crying as well.

'Momma! Please move!'

'You won't get my children! Stay away from me you monster!'

I could faintly hear a male's Voice as well. He sounded angry.

I snapped out of it when I focused back onto Ranboo who was crying. But now feeling extremely protective I walked over and sat down besides the tall enderboy.  And leaned against him gently brushing his hands away from his face and I reached over and grabbed on, holding it tightly and hopefully comfortingly on my own.

"Ranboo? What's wrong?" I asked quietly. "Do I need to beat someone up? Just say the word and I will put an arrow in someone's knee."

"My memory book... I lost it..." he said quietly.

I looked at him suddenly, understanding why he was so upset. "You right that's not good... Well let's go make a new one!" I said  standing up and trying to pull him up with me before he allowed me to help im up.

He looked at me. You could tell he was crying the tear streaks stained onto his face. "Lean down." He did and I tried to wipe them away but they were literally stained onto his face.  So instead I just held his face gently cupping his cheeks and brushing my thumb over him softly. 

"No more crying ok? We will figure this out and if we can't find the other one then we will make a new one."  He nodded as I freed his face and grabbed his hand and led him away. "Let's go!"

We walked for a while before we finally found sugarcane. "Finally! Now we can make paper!" I grabbed all the sugar cane I saw and made quite a few pages. "Now we need leather..."

I pulled my bow off of my back and grabbed one of the arrow Ranboo made. "Is that one I made?" He Asked quietly.

"Yeah! Watch this." I said and I saw his tail start to sway a little as I pointed at a cow but released while not pointing at it.  But the arrow curved and hit the cow "bullseye!" I yelled and ran over to the cow and the items it dropped.

I grabbed the leather and ushered Ranboo over as he placed the crafting table and I made him a book. Before I grabbed out a pencil I had and on the cover I tried to write but it didn't work. "Hmmm...." I said. "Do you have a flint and steel?" He tilted his hand before he handed it to me.

"Thanks my kind sir." I said playfully as I picked off a stick from the ground and lit it on fire. I let it burn for a little before I blew it out and used the charred wood to write in the journal. "Ranboo's do not read." I said out loud as I wrote and put a crown above his name. "Look, it even matched yours!" I said and I held it up.

"Thank you..." he said with a smile.

"Oh! Let's write the first entry!" I said happily

"Let's?" He was confused  as I opened the books and wrote in it.

At the top of the page I wrote ' my best friend Y/n' on it and wrote down what I looked like and how awesome I was before I handed it back to him.  He read it and laughed a little. "Was the drawing of the person in shades necessary?" He asked.

"Uh yes?! Look, it's me and I'm awesome so I need shades that make me look cool." I laughed and soon enough he joined it.

After that we went back to the woods and he sat down against a tree and I sat down next to him "I finally told my family About my wings... my dad was confused as to why I had them and why they grew so late..."

"Finally, did it go ok and why would he be confused if your dad  has  wings?" Ranboo asked and I realized he didn't know.

"Oh... he isn't my biological dad and my two oldest brothers aren't either... They actually found me and my twin in the woods. My mother was apparently attacked by something... and was dead so they kinda took us in."

"Wait really?" Ranboo asked.

"Yeah... I don't remember much but sometimes I blank out and see things or have nightmares and I think they may be some sort of repressed memories or something but I can never make much out of it."

"Huh... maybe you need a memory book too? And you can write down anything you remember."

I found myself leaning against the tall male and yawned, "yeah maybe..." I said quietly as I struggled to keep my eyes open.

"Hey... there mobs out at this time Dont-" but at that point I was already out. I thought I felt myself getting moved but I was too tired to care.

Ranboo pov.

I looked beside me and y/n was passed out leaning against me. I didn't really know what to do. I knew there were mobs out at this time and I didn't want her to get hurt or anything... but I also didn't want to wake her. I eventually just picked her up and sat her in my lap, having made up my mind to protect her while she was sleeping. I grabbed out the new memory book that I had made and opened it. On the page she had decorated and made for herself I made a separate note in the corner to protect her.

But I ended up falling asleep at some point when I woke up again it was to the sound of a zombie. I opened my eyes and saw it walking away from us. I was confused as to why it didn't bother us but as I watched as an arrow came flying out of nowhere and killed it I was put on guard as footsteps got closer.

How to flirt with tall ender boys. (Reader x Ranboo.)Where stories live. Discover now