I looked up and noticed one of the chains was rusted and it looked like it could break at any second. I used all of my power and yanked on the chain. After a few tries it finally broke, I quickly took a bobby pin out of my hair and picked the lock on the chains. I stumbled over to the door, and pulled it open, jesus what an idiot, why would you leave the fucking door unlocked.

There were two guards outside the door, I quickly jumped on the guard to my right, I put him in a head lock and snapped his neck, I took the gun off his body and shot the second guard. I quickly ran up the stairs and out of a cellar door, when I opened the door I realised I was in an underground bunker in the woods.

I ran, I ran as fast as my bloody legs could take me, I realised I wasn't far from the house, I was on the same path I usually run. My brother's house quickly came into sight, by the time I got to the door I was barely standing. My wounds along with the drugs Alexi had given on me were taking a toll on me.

I stumbled through the backdoor, " MAX!" I screamed.

I managed to stumble out of the kitchen and into the living room, I heard footsteps thundering down the stairs.

" MELINA!?" I heard my brothers call out.


" Living room!" I yelled back.

My brothers came running in, Max sprinted towards me and pulled me into his embrace, " What happened to you?" he asked in a quiet voice.

" Макс, они ввели мне лонсоро." - " Max, they injected me with losoro."

" Fuck!" he yelled.

Dean carefully approached Max and I, " Max we need to get her to the hospital."

" No" Max and I both reply at the same time.

" What do you mean 'no'?! Melina you're covered in fucking blood!" Ares yelled.

My legs were shaking and they started to give out, Max picked me up and I clung to him like a koala. He carried me upstairs ignoring my brothers yelling for him to come back, he led me into his bathroom and shut the door.

He set me in the shower and started washing the blood off of me, I was still in my tank top and underwear. Once most of the blood was washed off I stepped out of the shower, I laid down on the bathroom floor, Max walked over with his first aid kit.

" This is gonna hurt like a bitch." he warned.

" I know, just do it."

He started stitching me up, I clenched my fists hard, I could feel blood start to seep from my hand.

" What did they do to you?" he timidly asked.

" I don't think you want to know." I knew he would blame himself, I didn't want to tell him about Alexi sexually assaulting me or torturing me, I knew it would just make him feel worse.

We just sat there in silence as he started stitching up my wounds, " Did you call the guys?"

" Yeah, I called them last night, we were out looking for you all night."

I laughed, " Your eyes must suck because I was like five minutes from where I was taken."

" How is that possible?"

" There was a hidden underground cellar."

" Of course there was, who took you?"

" The Russians, they wanted to use me as leverage."

" How'd you escape?"

" I made him mad, he got sloppy, and they were stupid enough to leave me with only two guards."

The Calm Before the Storm (1)Where stories live. Discover now