𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 34

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Jade's POV.

I wake up to the smell of food, as always. I get up and walk over to the stereo plugging in my phone playing Honeypie by JAWNY. I turn it up all the way making sure we could hear it from the kitchen. I set my phone down and run to the kitchen where Bokuto was cooking us french toast.

"Morning lazy." He booms over the music as he begins to dance a little. I walk over to him, encasing him in a hug from behind. He sets his spatula down and turns around taking me by the hands twirling me around. He pulls me into a tight hug not too soon after.

I wish it were always like this.

"I have to leave after we eat." He says letting me go returning to the cooking food. I sit on the counter and tilt my head.

"You said you were off today." I say as he turns the stove off plating the food.

"I still have stuff to do Jade, but we can make plans for sometime soon?" He asks. I give him a small node, trying not to speak just incase my tone comes off as disappointment. I hop off the counter and follow him to the kitchen table where everything was already set up. We sit down and quietly eat our food.

y/n's POV.

"Leave her alone Kenma!" Hinata whisper-shouts.

"It's already 10. Breakfast is getting cold." I hear him say as I slowly open my eyes to see Kenma looking down on me.

"Morning sleepy head." He grins while lowering his face to mine, placing his hands in his knees.

"Why is everyone in here. I could be naked under here." I say pulling the covers up to my neck.

"Why would you be naked in my bed nasty ass." He laughs pulling the covers away from me, as Hinata shields his eyes. Revealing me in my sports bra and shorts.

"Kenma!" Hinata shouts.

"She has clothes on Shoyo." He says uncovering Hinata's eyes.

"Whatever. I heard breakfast." I say getting out of bed and walking over to my carry on grabbing my toothbrush out of it.

"Yeah its in the kitchen with the rest of us so come out when ur ready." He mumbles before quickly walking out of the room.

the rest of us?

I quietly think to myself. I shake it off as I walk into the bathroom turning the sink water on reaching for the toothpaste on the counter. I brush my teeth and fix my hair putting on some chapstick and lotion. I walk out of the bathroom not bothering putting a shirt on before  slowly walking to the kitchen looking down at my phone.

"y/n!" Kenma shouts while hopping off the counter quickly shielding my body. I look up and see many familiar faces. I quickly turn around and run back to the room, Kenma following me.

"You could have told me who was all here." I say walking over to my bag pulling out a large t-shirt slipping it on while rolling my eyes.

"I said the rest of us. Use that ginormous brain of yours kitty." He says while a mischievous grin appears on his face. I grab one of my shoes throwing it at him.

"Bitch." He mumbles while rubbing his stomach where the shoe had hit him.

"I like that nickname the most out of all the ones you call me." I smile.

"Maybe I'll use it more." He smiles back sarcastically.

"Lets go." I roll my eyes walking past him and back into the kitchen greeting everyone from last night, including Iwaizumi.

"Hi everyone." I smile while giving them a small wave. Kenma reappears behind me lightly pushing on my lower back guiding me to the kitchen counter.

"I saved you a plate.. I even asked them to make it without that cheese you hate." He says uncovering the plate revealing my favorite foods.

"Thanks Kenny it looks amazing." I say as everyone talked amongst themselves.

"Awhh she calls you Kenny?" Oikawa teases Kenma.

"Iwaizumi get your boyfriend." Kenma laughs.

"Oh you asshole."  Iwaizumi looks at Kenma seriously while Oikawa went silent.

"So guys what are the plans for today?" I ask trying to break the tension.

"Kenma told us you used to be a stripper." The tall silver haired man said.

"KENMA!" I spit my drink out in horror.

"Lev you snitch!" Kenma looks over at the man giving him an ugly look.

"What I think thats cool." Lev shrugs while everyone just looks at me with bright red faces.

"If you ever wanna strip again my brother owns a no touch club." Someone with glasses pipes up.

"Whats the clubs name?" I ask.

"Club Akiteru." He says as my eyes go wide.

"Oh my god Saeko applied there like a couple of months ago! I heard working there is amazing." I look at him smiling.

"Just stop by and ask for Kei Tsukishima." He says returning the smile.

"Okay for sure, but I cant work full time." I say taking another bite of my food.

"Thats fine." He says before being interrupted by a loud knock on the front door. I look up as well as everyone else. Kenma is walks around the corner disappearing to answer the front door. Me and the boys continue talking about what it was like to work as a stripper.

"y/n." Kenma says while peaking around the corner. I look up at him and tilt my head curiously.

"Bokuto's here to talk to you." He says letting go of the wall walking over to me. I quickly set my fork down and wipe my face off.

"Excuse me guys." I say as everyone watches me walk off.

"Hey." Im greeted by Bokuto's warm smile.

"Hi." I smile back while holding onto the front door.

"Can I take you out so we can talk?" He asks using his thumbs to point to his car behind him.

"I would have to get ready. Um, give me like 30 minutes to get ready and we can go?" I ask inviting him in.

"Yeah." He smirks at me walking past me.

I don't know if this is good or bad.

[ 𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚍 ] 𝚋𝚘𝚔𝚞𝚝𝚘. 𝚔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora