𝑹𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒘𝒐|𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝑨𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒕

55 13 15

Note we had to replace one judge, your books were still judged by two judges.


𝟝. The Art of Starting Over by AliasTummas1 

Judge ash_writesss 

Engagement 17/20

It does sound a little interesting but they could have done a better job at the blurb and cover because that's what catches the attention of the reader at first sight.

Concept 8/10

The concept is a little cliche till I've read but it's a cliche in a good way, I like it.

Cover 6/10

As said before, they could've done a better job on the cover. Something that might relate to the book or a little different that will help get the attention of the reader.

The book description 7/10

Again, it could have been better. Try to leave some secrets but don't give away too much that it spoils the plot this. But try to add more spice and suspense. The description doesn't really set the book apart from the others at a first glance, I would like to see that happen.

Technicalities 45/50

A few spelling mistakes here and there. I could spot some punctuation errors. The grammar was good and to the point. So, overall it was pretty good!

Total 83/100

Judge Forest45 

Engagement 19/20

The story is fun to read. The drama between the characters makes you curious to know what comes next. The plotline of Ally possibly getting to pursue her dream sometime in the future also makes you want to keep reading to see her get her happy ending, even with all the tragedy in her life. Her relationship with Jeremy is well-paced and even if you can tell where it's headed, their characters are stubborn enough to keep things interesting as their relationship develops.

Concept 7/10

The story had a lot of cliché elements but it was still fun to read. There were enough aspects to set it apart from other stories with a similar plot and although the relationship development is predictable, there is more going on in the story to make it a memorable one.

Cover 10/10

The cover is pretty and it fits the story theme and title very well.

The book description 10/10

The book description is very good and pulls you in with its opening line that most of us are bound to relate to. It hints at a very relatable main character and that makes you curious enough to read the story.

Technicalities 46/50

There were a few mistakes with punctuation but grammar and spelling were very good. The writing style was simple and easy to read. I do think it would be easier on the eyes and look more professional if there were less use of exclamation marks and capitalizing words just to show anger or strong emotion, but this is just a suggestion and it did not take much away from the experience. The characters are well described and their interactions are fun to read. It did take a few chapters to understand a few things such as where the main character works, her age, how long after her being dropped off at her grandmother's house does the story take place, etc., and at certain points, this made things a bit confusing especially with all the drama between characters going on at the same time. However, the story flows naturally, and reading on proves to be worth it as there are enough twists and unexpected circumstances to make the reading experience interesting and fun.

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