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Rules are for everyone's convenience and to avoid possible conflicts. As long as everyone is on the same page and follows rules we all can have a great time. 



⚫ All stories must be in English. 

⚫ All stories must follow Wattpad guidelines. 

⚫ Your story must have at least ten parts. Or if it's a short story it must be completed. If it's Poetry you have to have 10 poems. 

⚫You can enter up to two stories but not in the same genre. 

⚫ You must follow your judges. 

⚫You must follow TheCogitatioRealm. We will follow you as well. 

⚫Give a shout-out to this book to raise awareness of the awards.

⚫You must inform us of username change or book title change if that happens while the awards are ongoing.

⚫Don't try to bribe your judges, that will cause you to lose the spot in the awards. 

⚫Add this book to your library or reading list to be informed of any possible changes. 

Failure to follow the rules will disqualify you from awards. 



⚫You can't judge the genre in which you entered as a participant.

⚫You must be able to join our Discord for better communication.

⚫You must be available to read all entries in the genre which was assigned to you. Ten chapters per book in total.

⚫ You must inform us if you changed your username or no longer can be the judge.


The next part is the timeline and criteria ⟿

TCR Awards| First edition [Closed]Where stories live. Discover now