𝑹𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒆|𝑴𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒚/𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓/𝑯𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓

109 15 13


𝟙𝟘. The Game of Revenge by MochaChocolateRose 

Judge OutOfMyImagination 

Engagement 11/20

There were some interesting parts, but I felt nothing happened that would make me read further.

Concept 5/10

The story is compiled from a bunch of different scenes which don't connect that well. The lack of natural flow in the story makes it hard to follow and understand the concept as well.

Cover 8/10

The cover is good, and it fits the genre. But I'm not sure how it connects to the story.

The book description 6/10

The description is not pulling enough and tells nothing about the story to peak interest.

Technicalities 30/50

The descriptions were good enough. Grammar, punctuation is also not bad. But the way the story is written feels very confusing, there are so many characters introduced all at once that it is hard to keep track of, and scenes with characters are sometimes so short and have no essential meaning as well. I honestly don't know who the main character is since the story is told from different points of view and the point of view shifts so fast it feels like it's barely there.

Total 60 /100

Judge that-1-shy-girl 

Engagement 10/20

It has a good hook, but it's not intriguing. It's hard to follow and read.

Concept 4/10

The concept is confusing to follow. There's a lot of people with different points of view, some things don't make sense when reading.

Cover 8/10

The cover is very eye-catching. It makes me feel very interested in reading. The cover does fit well with the theme.

The book description 7/10

The description is short but good. It makes me want to keep reading. I wish it gave me more about the protagonist and the book itself.

Technicalities 30/50

There's a lot of dialogue. But I feel like it's too much. There isn't enough description to paint a picture in my head. The writing style can be confusing for me. It's hard to know who is speaking with so much dialogue. Lots of things are thrown into the book at once that it's hard to know what's happening.

Total 59/100

Total from both judges 119/200


𝟡. THE NYMPH  by loonyywriter 

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