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With Marcel off at war, Nik and Saga were suffering from empty nest syndrome

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With Marcel off at war, Nik and Saga were suffering from empty nest syndrome. Nik more than anyone else, he had left to go convince marcel to come back, much to Saga's disapproval, although he ultimately came back without their son.

Marcel eventually came back in 1919, Niklaus insisted on throwing a party in honour of his arrival back home. Moving through the crowd with his hand placed on his wife's back, they approached their son, "There he is, our war hero. Triumphantly returned." Niklaus hugged Marcellus first, engulfing him tightly in his arms. Saga, then, hugged his waist as her forehead rest on his shoulder and she gave him a kiss on the cheek, "I've missed you sweet boy." She said.

"It's good to have you back Marcellus. Welcome home." Nik said as he led his wife and son to the bar to toast his Marcel's return. The two men drank as Saga sipped her drink, "The prodigal son has finally learned to hold his liquor."

"Niklaus," Saga said as she looked at her husband, "I will be back in a minute." She laid her hand on his chest as she pressed their lips together in parting, Niklaus muttering to not be long as she strutted through the crowd, towards their bedroom to get the coming home present she had bought Marcel. Niklaus was happy with the timing as she had once again avoided meeting Papa Tunde and he could figure out his weaknesses without her being in danger.

Papa Tunde had posed a threat long enough for Nik and Marcel to deal with the problem and kill his two sons. They had defeated him and Niklaus had begun to celebrate.

"Niklaus, while I'm glad the threat is gone, I don't like you celebrating two boys dying."

"It was just business, my love. I promise." Niklaus said as he pulled her into his arms and moved down onto their bed.

ik its short but im back

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