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tw attempted suicide

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tw attempted suicide

After saving Lucien from the torment that Tristan imposed and giving him his blood to heal him, Niklaus went back to the chamber he shared with Saga to tell her of the miracle that his blood healed him only to be informed that Lucien had been killed by a guard for trying to attack Tristan. Both Saga and Nik visibly upset by this went with Elijah to give his funeral by lighting a cart full of hay and Lucien's body on fire.
Holding a torch each, Saga, Niklaus and Elijah stood with mournful expressions.
"Do you really think it was your blood that healed him?" Elijah asked Niklaus.
"I saw it with my own eyes." Niklaus replied, "When I found his body I tried to feed him more and ...  nothing."
"So then, we may only heal the living. It's peculiar." Elijah concluded before continuing as a tear made it's way down Nik's face, "I know this cant be easy for you Nik." He placed a comforting hand on his brother before walking away.
"Nik." Saga whispered, teary eyed as she hugged him and he carefully hugged her back whimpering softly as he cried for his friend.
Moving to set the fire with Saga by his side, Nik was interrupted as Lucien suddenly gasped and coughed, like the Mikaelsons had done a few years earlier when Mikael and Esther had made them vampires.
Nik looked in amazement and shock while Saga quickly hugged Lucien as she was relieved he was alive.


Lucien sighed in relief as he finished feeding on the poor girl he had killed and turned to mock and torment the alive girl who was terrified and stayed shaking where she sat.
"Lucien, No. This will not go unnoticed. Now we will have to leave. I know you despise me-" Niklaus said as he walked into the room, before being interrupted by Lucien.
"Uh no. Not anymore. This change in me. We are as alike now as brothers, are we not?"
"It seems so."
"Then teach me Niklaus. Teach me to be what we are."
Niklaus, who had pulled the shivering girl to her feet, replied, "Gladly." before sinking his teeth into her neck.

Kol and Aurora had been seeing each other in secret from Tristan. The Mikaelson's knew from the outings she joined them on, Aurora and Kol stealing glances while they all lay in the grass.
"Nik." Saga laughed, the blades of green grass tickling her skin as if delivering kisses to it; gentle and almost unnoticeable.
"Yes my love?" Nik replied leaning over her face, smiling softly at her.
"I love you." Saga sighed, pulling him into a sweet kiss.
"I love you Saga, my sweet."

After hearing of Niklaus' ability to turn Lucien into a vampire, Aurora had begged Kol to turn her so that they could be together. Kol had refused as he wanted her human, he didn't want her to know the hidden pain of immortality that came in the form of the hunter Mikael.

Aurora had been devestated by Kol's answer and her own mind had tried to kill herself only to be found by Rebekah. Rebekah healed her with her blood. Rebekah had left Aurora to sleep, only for her to jump out of the window to turn herself into a vampire like Lucien had done.
Aurora, a newly turned vampire, had approached Kol, Nik and Saga who had just been told of Aurora's actions. Kol had turned upon hearing footsteps but no heartbeat, thinking it was a family member or Lucien but saw Aurora who claimed to now be his equal.
"Brother, sister please leave us." Kol requested looking at Aurora.
As soon as the couple left, they heard a thud on the wall. Saga laughed and grabbed Nik's hand pulling him into a fast walk.
"Nik! Hurry up!" Saga pretended to whine, acting like she was to weak to pull him.
"Be careful Saga, there's demons in the night." Nik replied carefully before rushing to grab her but she sped away with a squeal.
Locking herself in their room, she screamed as Nik was in front of her.
"I won the race love, what's my prize?"
"What do you want?"
Instead of replying, Nik simply hoisted her up and threw her onto their bed smiling at her.


"I knew it would come to this! Be it Kol's antics, or yours, or those creatures you and Rebekah created." Finn said clearly annoyed as he met with most of his siblings, minus Kol, as they had recieved word from Finn to meet there.
"What is it?" Elijah asked his elder brother.
"Word has spread. The villagers talk of beasts who feed on blood, and if these country imbeciles know-"
"Father will come, we need to flee." Rebekah said.
Nik had tightened his grip on Saga at the mention of his father.
Kol had joined the family disheartened as Aurora didn't join them in fleeing.
"Kol." Saga said quietly, receiving a hum in reply.
"Are you okay?"
"Not really, but I'm sure I'll be ok with my best friend by my side." He said, smiling at her.
Saga quickly hugged him as she knew he was upset about Aurora.
"Brother, Saga please hurry up. Mikael could be here any minute." Nik said quickly from their transportation.
Saga had run over and motioned Kol to hurry up before being lifted by her husband to take a seat.
"If you become envious, you'll surely turn green." Saga teased him.
"Love you're stuck with me. Always and forever." Nik said, pressing a kiss to her neck as the carriage began to move and they left behind their two friends and the possible life they could have had for a lot longer.

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