~Chapter 8 (Part 1)~

Start from the beginning

"Maybe he's testing you, see how much guts u have? Can you keep up, etc. I'd call it a challenge." I fumed for a second. How dare he try something just because I'm new to this whole thing? I brushed my hair with ferocity until it was in soft waves framing my face. He was in way over his head if he thought I could just be played like that. I lined my eyes with black liner and touched up my lashes with some mascara. Glancing in the mirror behind me I saw Evie and Lucy watching in amusement.

"What?" I asked in hostility turning to take in both of their expressions.

"Don't jump to conclusions. I saw how quickly it built inside your crazy brain." Evie soothed. Her eyes were kind in understanding and i relaxed a little. Maybe it wasn't what i thought.

"So not only do I have to leave and sneak across campus after the curfew, but I also have to somehow sneak back across campus when this little rendezvous or whatever has been completed?" Evie shrugged seemingly satisfied that I wasn't going to be the boring one who fallows all the rules like I was at home. Throwing caution to the wind as one might say. I sighed and fell to the bed. When I had asked for different this isn't what i had meant.

Within a few minutes I was primped and polished. Evie had pulled my hair back so that it hung loosely in soft waves from a ponytail, since I had refused her to straighten it, a soft blue t-shirt and some jeans. I was determined to treat this as nothing more than annoying but I couldn't help but admit that I was secretly excited to take a moonlight stroll with a really dreamy guy.

Around ten I found myself walking along the shadows of the greenhouse. It had been fairly easy getting out of the dorms thanks to Lucy. Who knew of a back door that in her experience 'is never locked.' Cursing myself for not considering more seriously that this was a joke. I waited by the entrance for a few moments leaning against the main building in the partial shadows. I played with my pendant for a short while and i saw nothing until I was deciding to turn back. When the soft thud sounded it caused my heart to leap into my throat. I spun around looking for the sound. Lyla's lithe form slid out from beside a large clay pot, as if she were coming out of a hiding spot.

"I told you to stay with Lucy and Rogue." I admonished her gently, as she tilted her head in amusement. Her glowing eyes shifted to the shadow of the nearest tree when Jason's voices floated out of it.

"I had to hide in case you decided that you were going to stand me up." He joked, somewhat half serious, stepping away from the protection of the great oak. His eyes gleamed mischievously underneath hooded eyelashes looking down at me. The slight breeze rustled his hair in light wisps. He stood closely now and glanced over at Lyla.

"Well you're lucky. Another moment and I was going to leave." I replied haughtily. Jason looked back toward me, grinning. Like maybe he realized as well that what I had said wasn't entirely true. I wasn't sure myself. Sometimes I had a hard time thinking around him. Like right now for instance when I watched his eyes turn molten.

"Come on," He said taking my hand and leading me toward the deeper part of the wooded area. "There's something I want to show you." His hand a warm presence on my skin sent chilled goose bumps up my arm. Once he was sure I was fallowing he slowed his pace and released my hand walking beside me, weaving in and out of the beams of quiet moonlight that shone down through the tree branches.

"So is this the part where you take me deep into the woods and murder me?" I asked him trying to dispel the quiet that had enveloped us. Stepping over a root sticking out of the ground I heard him snicker in the near darkness that was only relieved by the gentle blink of fire flies.

"No, I haven't decided where I me going murder you yet." He said gruffly. I stopped short, stuck horror stricken. Then turned to bolt back towards the school when he grabbed my elbow, laughing heartily.

Arina Maddison and The Dragonborns: The Blood ProphecyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara