Chapter 7 ✧

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"Hey kid! I'm talking to you!" He was getting mad judging from the tone in his voice. I looked away from him, but then he grabbed my face and faced me towards him.

"When I'm talking to you, you look me in the eye, or else," what could he possibly mean by 'or else'?


- Scaramouche POV -

I couldn't stop thinking about Kazuha, it's probably been 12 hours since I last saw him.
I've been drinking in the tavern trying to forgot him leaving me. But it wouldn't go away.

I heard the door open and heard a familiar voice,

"So, this is where you've been the entire time Scara?" I didn't bother to turn around. I didn't have the energy to. My eyes were slightly closing, but I could see the familiar person sit down by me.

They placed their hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Tartaglia.

"When did you get here!?" I removed his hand from shoulder and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Woah calm down comrade. I've been following you since you left me alone in Wansheng Funeral Parlor,"

"Wait so then...."

"Yep, I was in the room next to yours, and man you guys were loud!"

"I- shut the f**k up.." I looked away embarrassed.

"Look, I know me and Kazuha have had our differences, but I've changed. Talking about Kazuha, where is he?"

"I.. he ran off.."

"Now now comrade, what in the world did you do to make run off?"

"Well, it's a long a story. . We shouldn't stay here, there could be people listening," I got up and thanked the bartender, then dragged Childe to a quiet spot.

"This should be okay.." I turn to look at Childe but he had the "tell me everything" look on his face.

"Look we can talk about that later, but right now the boat was stolen and Kazuha is missing,"

"Wait, the boat was stolen?"

"Yeah..? Also mind telling me how you followed me?"

"Oh yeah about that. After you and your boyfriend flew through the window I went after you, but once you got to the boat, I well, had to negotiate with the captain of the Crux Fleet."

"Okay so.. if you followed me to Inazuma why didn't you kill off the vision hunters that were chasing me?"

"You were chased?"

"You idiot.. Where were you then!?"

"I was in yo- I mean our boat,"

"Why didn't you bother coming out on the boat?"

"Well one, you would f**king kill me, two, Kazuha would also kill me and three, I wouldn't get to witness you and your boyfriend's little smoochy time," Childe had a smirk on his face as he said the last part, it made me punch him in the gut.

"You're a f**king idiot you know,"

"I- ugh- you didn't have to punch me,"

"Crux Fleet you say?"

"Hm? Oh yeah why?"

"Lead me to them, now,"

"Alright comrade, over here," I followed Childe who seemed to still be in pain from the punch I landed. As we came closer to the Harbor I could see quite a huge ship docked by the bay.

"Is that it?"

"You are indeed correct comrade, that is the Crux Fleet," we neared the side of the boat and tried to get one the people on board to talk to us. Finally one had the courage to.

"Excuse me comrade, do you happen to know where the captain of the ship is?"

"You talking about captain Beidou? Well if you are she buy to get some local goods,"

"Why thank you comrade!"

"No problem mate,"

We went to the nearest local goods store and happened to be where Beidou was.

"Ah, captain Beidou! Isn't it nice to see you again!"

"Oh if it isn't Childe. Tell me, what brings you here?"

"Me and my comrade here were wondering if you know anyone by the name, Kaedehara Kazuha?"

"Why yes I do- Why do you ask? Has something bad happened?!"

"I well- he's ran off and now, he's lost,"

"He's lost?! Well do any of you know where he went!?"

"He went to the direction of Lisha," I finally decided to speak up.

"Well then what are we standing here for? Let's go!"

~ Later On ~

By now, Liyue Harbor was no longer visible when you look back, but I had no time to think about that. We had set up a little camp for the night, we'll continue the search tomorrow.

I look over to see Tartaglia already falling asleep while Beidou was staring off into the vast starlit sky.

Just wait for me Kazuha, I'll find you eventually..

[Word Count : 806]

AN : aHHHHh sorry this was short anyway uh yea- 👀 👁👄👁 I wish good luck to those who are pulling for Kazuha ^^

𝑰'𝒗𝒆 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 ( KazuScara Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now