19. I'm sorry.

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Draco took out his wand before muttering some spell to stop my bleeding.

I watched him heal my wounds, he did it so gently that I didn't feel any pain at all. I wanted to hug him and buried my face in his warm chest, but at the same time, I wanted to kill him too.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, "Draco said and looked up at me.

 "I don't want to hear your voice," I said and quickly looked the other way. 

"Really?"Draco asked in a shivering voice. 

"Yes, I don't want to hear your voice and I don't want to see your face too," I said and sighed angrily. 

"I hate you, Draco, "I said. 

"You really want me out of your life?"Draco asked softly.

 "Y--Yes...Go back to the one you love."I said in a shivering voice.

 "I love you, "Draco said.

"I don't believe you anymore, "I said softly.

"Let me explain, Y/N, "Draco said and hold my hand.

 "Don't touch me, "I said and pulled my hand back. 

"It's not the way you think, "Draco said.

 "So what is it? she is sucking your neck !! Her entire body was left with only a skirt and bra! " I said loudly. 

"She used amorte--"

 "Get--out--of--my--house," I said in an angry tone.

"Really? "You really want me out of your life?"Draco asked again.

"Y--Yes, "I said. 

"If you really want that, look at me and say you don't want me, "Draco said and grabbed my chin to look at him.

 "Tell me you don't want me, "Draco said in a shivering voice.

 I stared into his eyes, it was filled with sadness and pain, he stared at me expecting that I wouldn't say those words.

"I--I don't--want you, "I said as my tears flowed uncontrollably.

 "R--Really?"Draco said as his tears slowly flowed.

 "I--I--hate you, I don't want your kisses, I don't want to see your face, I don't want to hear your voice, "I said as my tears flowed more and more.

 Suddenly Draco let out a loud cry, he stared at me in pain before he nodded and got up from the bed.

"I'll get out of your life as you wish, "Draco said and walked towards the door. 

Suddenly my body ordered me to stand up as Draco turned to look at me.

 "If I won't see you again, can I at least kiss you one last time?"Draco asked. 

I didn't answer, just stood there staring at him. Draco walked up to me before kissing me. I didn't kiss him back, but I could feel the tears on his face. His lips trembled because he was still crying. I wanted to kiss him back but I wouldn't. He kissed me so long that I had to push him away.

 "I'll keep Scorpius with you, he loves you so much...and I'm going to live with my parents...If you change your mind and want to come to see me, I'm at Malfoy Manor."Draco said and kissed my cheek before he walked out of the room.

He's gone. He's really gone. My heart hurts more than the wound on my hand.

I stood still for a moment before I feel a lot of pain in my hand and need some medicine. I slowly walked downstairs to the kitchen, but before I got to the kitchen I glanced at something on the floor. It's a little pink bottle and from my experience I know it's Amortentia.

Desire of Love (Draco x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя