1.Meeting again

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On a clear morning, I woke up early to prepare for work as usual. I took a hot bath for about ten minutes before getting dressed and heading down to the kitchen to make fried eggs and bacon for breakfast.

"Do you think the Ministry of Magic will let me inspect someone's house today?"I asked my owl perched in the chair next to me and staring at me curiously.

Suddenly a large brown owl flew into the kitchen and dropped the envelope on the table.

"Ministry of Magic...Speak of the devil."I mumbled and grabbed the envelope.

To. Ms. Y/N Y/L

We have been informed that someone owns a prohibited object, that object is a time-turner, and as we have been told we assume that this object is in Draco Malfoy's possession. We need you to investigate and take action according to the Ministry of Magic's laws as soon as possible.

Respectfully Yours

Ministry of Magic

"Draco Malfoy, "I mumbled and placed the letter on the table.

Suddenly old memories popped up in my head.

Draco, the prince of the Slytherin house, is a handsome blonde boy whom I have been secretly in love with since my third year. When I was in my fifth year, I decided to confess my love to him, but he rejected me most cruelly, since that day I didn't believe in love or wanted to be serious in a relationship with anyone anymore.

"It's a small world."I got up and walked out of the kitchen.

I grabbed my black heels from the shoe rack and my black suit on the sofa before putting on them and looking at myself in the mirror.

"I can't wait to see you again, Malfoy, "I said and smirked at myself in the mirror before I disappeared from home.


A few seconds later I arrived in front of a large and beautiful house that looked a little smaller than Malfoy's manor. I straightened up my suit and walked towards the front door of his house.

Knock Knock

No one answered...

Knock Knock

"Is anyone there?"I said and knocked on the door again.

Suddenly, the door slowly opened and I saw someone's tiny hand on the edge of the door.

"Hello."A small voice spoke and slowly popped his tiny head on the edge of the door.

He looked like little Draco, he had blonde hair, pale skin, and gray eyes, he stared at me suspiciously.

"Hi, little boy, "I greeted him before smiling at him.

"What are you doing here?"He asked softly.

"I want to meet your dad," I replied.

He nodded before he waddled away.

I took a deep breath before I pushed the door wider and entered the house.

His house was huge, spacious, and very quiet as if no one was there. There were toys scattered all over the floor like they weren't cleaned at all. I stared at the toys on the floor before picking up the white ferret doll from the floor.

"So adorable," I mumbled and stared at the doll.


There was a coughing voice softly behind me, I quickly threw the doll onto the couch and turned to look.

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