18.Broken hearted

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It's been a couple of weeks since I got fired from my job it felt a bit lonely but luckily I had Draco...He helped me out of my loneliness and he made me really happy.

"What are you doing for lunch today?"Draco asked as he walked into the kitchen. 

"Spaghetti, "I said and smiled at him.

 Draco smiled at me before he walked toward me.

 "After eating, do you want to take a bath together?" Draco asked and hugged me from behind. 

"Yes," I said and chuckled. 

Draco kissed my neck. 

"You smell so good," Draco said softly.

 I turned my head to kiss his neck. 

"You smell so good too," I said and sweetly smiled at him. 

Draco smiled and blushed before picking up my glass of wine and drinking.

 "Hey! That's my wine."I pulled Draco's arm from my waist and turned to him. 

"You drink my wine," I said and crossed my arms.

 "Come and take it back."Draco smiled and drank the wine again. 

I moved closer to him and quickly smashed my lips against his lips before he swallowed the wine. 

As my lips began to move, Draco slowly swallowed the wine and immediately responded to my kiss, I felt the scent of mint on his lips, and when my tongue touched his soft tongue, I felt the wine taste from his tongue.

Draco had me pressed up against the counter then lift me up and wrapped my legs around his waist, his hardness pressed against me as he kissed my neck. 

"I want to fuck you right now, "Draco said in a sexy tone. 

"So fuck me now, "I said and moaned softly. 

"Sure, my doll, "Draco said before sliding his hand into my shirt. 

Draco kissed my shoulder before biting my shoulder and squeezing my boob so hard that I screamed a little.

 "I'll fuc--" 

"Daddy hurts mommy." 

"OH! Merlin!" I screamed and looked down at Scorpius. 

Scorpius stood next to Draco's legs and stared at me worriedly. 

"Oh, sweetie, your dad just kiss me," I said and smiled at him. 

"Yes, I just kis--"

 "Draco Draco" I quickly called him.

 "What do you have?"Draco asked. 

"Your hand is squeezing my boob, "I whispered.

 Draco flinched a little and quickly took his hand off my shirt. 

I got off the counter before I picked up Scorpius. 

"Daddy hurts mommy?"Scorpius asked again.

 "No, no, daddy just kisses me, "I said and smiled at him.

 "But mommy screams."He said and placed his tiny hand on my cheek.

 I chuckled and blushed.

"When I kiss you, you don't hurt," Scorpius said.

 "Yes, because you are a good kisser, "I said.

"No, I'm a good kisser, "Draco argued.

 "No, I'm a good kisser," Scorpius argued back.

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