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Jungkook hugged Y/n and caress her head.

"Y/n I won't leave you. You remember our promise right?"


Jungkook and Y/n are walking in the park. Holding each other hands they walk pass the playground. Seeing kids and babies running around the field and girls and boys sliding down the slid Jungkook dreamt of something.

His eyes suddenly filled with cared and lovingness. He saw a family on the same path they are walking. Their ages were just like them. The both parents were young. And the kids they are holding hand in between was a cute little creature.

Daydreaming more Jungkook eyes were filled with more and more happiness.

Then someone snap a finger in front of Jungkook face making him come back to reality. It was Y/n. His smile even got wider.

"What are you thinking?" Y/n asked while licking her ice cream.

Jungkook smile and pulled Y/n and let her sit on the nearest bench. Y/n was confused and stare at Jungkook who is kneeling in front of her holding her hand.


Y/n hummed in response.

"I want you to promise me something"

"What is it?"

"Promise me we both will stick together like the 2 birds up there till death" Jungkook point at the 2 love birds on the tree beside the bench they sitting.

Y/n looked at the 2 love birds and turn to Jungkook while giggling.

"Of course Kookie"

Jungkook smiled and sit beside Y/n. He stared at the blue sky.

"You know what Y/n"


"I've always dream of being the best dad out of the world. After I met you I dream of holding our child in my hands. I want to teach him Taekwondo and-" Before Jungkook could continue his whole essay of being a great father Y/n placed her index finger on Jungkook's lips making him to stop.

"I promise.." Y/n smile and stare at Jungkook's eyes.

"I will help you on being the best father of all" Y/n's eyes glistened. Jungkook smiled after listening to Y/n's word.


Right Jungkook has always dreamt of holding him and Y/n's kid in his hand. Cherish and shower him with unconditional loves.

He want to hold the little baby's hand. Pinch his nose and make funny faces to him.

A tear slip on Jungkook's eye on the thought of it.

It's usual to have obstacles during your dreams.

Either you pass them with courage or give up. But Jungkook is going to pass them with courage. He will do anything to hold the baby's hand and be a great father.

Well he have already succeed half of his dream. Y/n is 2 month pregnant. Carrying Jungkook's child. But now because of the incident of Jimin and Y/n both the couples were worried of their child's life.

Jungkook knows why Y/n has been crying. One because of she felt disgusted of herself and second the baby in her stomach life.

"shh the baby will be fine" Jungkook sooth Y/n.

"Awww already getting a baby which is not mine?" Jimin's annoying voice chimes from behind.

Jungkook turned his head towards Jimin with red eyes. Jimin just smirked at his way.

"JImin you short ass better get out of our way" Jimin shook his head at Jungkook's statement.

"Do you think I would give up on my obsession like this?" Jimin started laughing at his own sentence.

Jungkook was confused. Jimin looked down and shook his head. Then he lift his head with deadly eyes and took out his gun.

Within a sec the loud bang of the bullet shot to someone's chest.

Who is it?

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