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days have pass and they both are getting closer.

Jungkook's dream are gonna be fulfill.

Y/n and Jungkook have been couple for a month.

And now they are on their way to their last step.

Get permission from Y/n sister, Lee Ji Eun.

The couple walked into the mansion.

Ji eun and Jimin are sitting on the couch.

Ji Eun watching the television while Jimin reading the newspaper.

"ummm sis I want to introduce you to someone" Y/n stand a bit far from them with Jungkook.

She gulped.

She is nevous.

"okay who is it?" Ji Eun closed the television and turn to her.

The sight of the guy beside her made her frown.

Everybody say "first impression is what everybody decide for whatever they're doing"

Right now the guy beside her has been wearing a black cup, back mask, black overcoat, black trouser.

On the other hand Jimin stare at the guy with anger visible in his eyes.

"umm it's Jungkook" Y/n replied.

Y/n nudge her elbow to the guy beside her.

"babe greet them" she whispered.


"come sit here you both" JI Eun put down the coffee she's tasting.

"umm sis this is Jungkook my boyfriend" Jimin choked on his coffee while JI Eun has wide eyes.

Jungkook has a sly smirk under his mask.

He do love Y/n but he want to laugh to their reactions.

"okay why do you want to introduce him to us" Ji Eun continued with a uneasy tone.

"I want to marry her" Jungkook say bluntly.

Y/n nodded following her boyfriend's tack.

"Well If you come to take my permission it's a no" Ji Eun answer without thinking twice.

She can't let her only sister marry a guy with tattoos on his hands and piercing on his ears.

She can tell Jungkook is a bad boy.

"me too" Ji Eun was surprised by her husband's voice.

Right JI Eun and jimin are married yet but they aren't close.

They sleep in a separate bed in the room.

Nobody knows about it. not even y/n

Y/n was about to cry after hearing her sister and JImin's "no"

She cried running upstairs to her room.

"May I talk with You, Miss lee JI Eun?" Jungkook spoke.

A bit of anger showing in his voice.

"ok" the woman nod.

Jimin was now out of the house he said he needs some fresh air.

Jungkook and Ji Eun get out of the kitchen having a private talk.

Jungkook walked to the living room to see Y/n.

Followed by JI Eun her expression is unreadable.

Jungkook walked to Y/n and kneeled down.

He stare at y/n on the couch.

Cupping her cheeks, he saw dried tear stained which made him kind of sad.

"your sister said she wants to say you something"

Y/n move her gaze to her sister near the frame of the kitchen door.

She sighed and walked to Y/n.

"your wedding is tomorrow"

Did you know what were Jungkook and Ji Eun talking in the room?

My sister's Husbandحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن