
437 24 0

3rd person pov

The movie was about to end.

Jimin has been grinning unknowingly. 

He would glance at Y/n sleeping on his shoulder.

the cinema was silent.

People are all interested in the movie.

Right then a man with black came near Jimin and whispered something into his ear which after Jimin nodded.

The black man signal his other members and they all walked to each of the audience who is watching quietly in the cinema.

The silently points the gun at the people which after some of their small chit chat everyone is gone.

It's only Jimin and y/n.

Y/n is still sleeping like a stone.

Jimin looked at Y/n with adoration which after he smashed his lips on Y/n's.

Y/n's eyes wide opened just to see Jimin's brown orbs.

She struggle to get out of this kiss.

"J- Jimin what are you doing?" she stuttered while her hands pushing Jimin to stay away from her.

"Of course kissing you" Jimin chuckled.

"We both are married and I don't love you" that sentence from Y/n's mouth triggered him.

He hold Y/n shoulder harshly making her winced in pain.

He pull down Y/n and hovered over her.

"help" Y/n couldn't shout nor utter a word she was beyond shock and frightened.

"oh darling there's nobody to help you and that Jungkook guy? I don't think he will be coming today to safe you..... He won't be your superman anymore" Jimin growl and give wet kisses on her neck.

Y/n was a crying mess.

Jimin started go up and lick her earlobe.

"Don't worry you are safe in my hand" Jimin whispered before kissing her lips roughly.

Sweats traveled down her forehead.

Tears were also flowing non stop.

Y/n's once neat hair has now turn into a mess.

Her lips were bleeding.

With her last energy y/n pushed jimin so hard to make him fall back on his seat.

Jimin leaned to wiped the blood on y/n.

Y/n flinched and move back.

"S-stay away from me" she stuttered.

Jimin shook his head and grip y/n on her bare shoulder.

He drag her to a nearby wall and pinned her on the wall.

y/n closed her eyes.

She felt disgusted on herself.

Her lips were trembling.

He lean his head near her neck hitting his hot breathe on her neck.

"baby i love you" that sent shiver down her spine.

Her legs turn into jelly.

Then he started kissing her again.

Her face is wet with his saliva.

She struggled from his grip.




Y/n has no energy to go against him.

She felt disgusted.

Slowly she got unconscious.

Jimin started to take advantage on her.

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