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You know those really over exaggerated horror movie moments. The classic 'investigate the scary noise you heard in the basement'. Or the 'look through a shed full of weapons alone at night when you heard noises coming from said shed'. I'm experiencing the 'man outside my window didn't expect me to see him so now we are just staring at each other' horror movie moment.

Do I scream? Does he have a gun? Should I just leave? Should I ignore it and maybe he'll leave? Why is this creepy serial killer man kind of hot?

Too many questions.

My breathing stopped when I saw his hand open the window.

I stood in complete shock as I watched the small man crawl through my window.

"Uh... What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? Is it not obvious?" The man waved the knife in front of me.

"Are you gonna like... Kill me?" I stupidly ask.

"Are you fucking dumb?" He scoffs.

"Not reallly, but it seems like I am right now. You'd be shocked too if a dude crawls through your window!" I explain.

This nameless man rubs his temple. "Can I just like... Have some money or something? I won't stab you, I guess." He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah... Sure. I don't really want to give you the money. But, I will." God, does my mouth ever stop.

"Remember who has the knife here." He waves the bright object in front of my face again.

"Yeah, I didn't forget." I pull out all the cash I have and hand it to him.

He counts the small amount of cash.

"Sixty bucks? Really? You should be the person robbing houses, not me. Broke ass bitch." He shoves the money in his pocket.

"Who the hell carries cash with them?" I ask.

"Lots of people- Why am I still talking to you? I should probably leave... Right?" He says.

"Probably." I state.

He puts one leg through the window before turning to look at me.

"Go too sleep next time. It makes my job a lot easier." Then, he's gone.



I hope you enjoy it so far!


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