I don't look back as I run from Seth's room.

I feel like the devil is chasing me as I run back to my own room, crossing campus and jogging up the stairs of my dorm building. I am fairly certain that I hear someone call after me but drown out my surroundings and finally reach safety. Shutting the door to my room behind me, a weight drops off my shoulders.

I struggle out of my dress and put on pyjamas, slipping under the covers of my bed. When I close my eyes, there's a knock on the door.

“Arya? Are you ok?” Amber calls through the door.

I sigh into my pillow and ignore her, tears threatening to spill from my eyes again.

“Please just come out for a second...” She pleads. She must have seen me running like a maniac, tears streaming down my red and puffy face.

“Arya!” Amber knocks her fist against the door three times before she goes quiet for a few seconds. “Should I get Seth?” She calls.

No! My heart jolts in my chest and I jump up. I sprint across the small room and pull open the door making Amber gasp as she's probably shocked at seeing me in this state. Her face turns from shocked to sympathetic and I hang my head, letting my hair cover my face. Amber gently pulls me into a hug before I can step away from her.

“What happened?” She asks, tenderly rubbing my back as I break my heart crying. “My brother didn't make you cry like this, did he?”

I shake my head and step away from her. Amber follows me into my room, closing the door behind her. She must think I'm a complete mess, crying in the middle of the day. The worst thing is that I can't stop. That sympathetic look on her face is just making it worse. It makes me remember everything. I don't want to feel like this. I don't even really know why I feel like this.

“What's that look?” Amber asks, sitting down across from me as I climb back into bed.

“It's stupid. I'm being stupid.” I answer, wiping tears away and pulling my hair up into a bun, trying to appear at least a bit more presentable.

“I'm sure it's not stupid at all. I haven't known you for very long but if there's one thing I've learned about you, it's that you're definitely not stupid. Talk to me.” For a second, I consider letting her in but a wave of insecurity rushes over me and I recoil farther away from her, shaking my head.

“I just want to be alone for now...”

“Alright.” Amber sighs, getting up and giving me my space. She walks towards me and puts a hand on my arm, offering a smile.

“Thanks for checking up on me, though.” I sniffle.

“Of course. Whenever you need me, just come over. I'm literally only a few seconds away!” I nod and she turns to leave.

As soon as she shuts the door behind her, all energy seems to get sucked from my body. I lie down in my bed and as my eyes close, I try to keep my mind empty and to ignore my aching heart.


“Arya... Babe, wake up.” I jump and am awake immediately when I hear Seth's voice. How long had he been in my room? I didn't hear him come in! I shouldn't have given him the key...

Automatically I blush bright red and put my face in my hands. Feeling like a blubbering child, I start crying again.

The bed shifts as Seth sits down next to me. His hands grasp onto mine and pull them away from my face. I look down, not being able to face him. My skin feels like it's on fire. I want to run away from him. Why do I feel like this?! He hasn't done anything!

Living for the fat girl [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now