a game of mad hatter. {part three}

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Lilith was wiping sweat off her forehead when Jade walked through the door. In her hand was a large hammer and pry bar, two things Jade hadn't even known they owned. The sun beamed through the windows and opened door, bathing everyone in the crowded room with golden rays of sunshine. Lilith's coat rested on the couch along with multiple different tools and objects, all which Jade had no idea were doing there. She watched as several trolls exited and entered the building as though they lived there themselves. Lilith noticed Jade as she arrived, but didn't look her way.

"I'm going to guess you're going to ask me what the hell is going on." She loosened her tie and wiped her hands on her long skirt which fell to her ankles. "And before you question anything else, just know that I did leave your laptop in your bedroom to your liking and it didn't get dirty in the mess of everything."

Jade frowned and stepped around a pile of wooden planks. "Well I appreciate that."

"We're tearing down the wall."


Lilith rolled her eyes and tossed a pair of safety goggles at her. "I'm sure you could see that already. I thought it was obvious enough."

"Okay, but why?" Jade asked. She squinted her eyes in confusion at the detective, who didn't at all seem fazed by what was happening.

"Lestrade showed you the letter?"


"Then you should already figure it out by now."

Jade Watson could not already figure it out by now.

Then it seemed to hit.

"The... the room..." She pointed her finger at the wall, the one they all were planning to tear down like animals. "Your aunt told me a little bit ago there used to be a room behind there." She remembered the night she had sat upon the table across the room, her eyes drifting off to the strangely hidden outline of a door and noticing it for the first time. Since then, she had mostly forgotten about it.

"'Rooms need a door,'" Lilith quoted, reminding her of the contents of the letter. She stared at the wall in awe. "It's odd, I hardly remember there being a room behind here."

"Well what would be back there? It's been closed off for years."

"That's what I'm hoping to find out."


The hole in the wall was only small enough to allow one person in at a time, and that someone had to be Jade.

Because when Branch, Lilith, Poppy, and Catherine looked around, the smallest person they could find was the short confused army doctor with an impressively sarcastic mouth. Also known as Dr. Jade Watson.

Most of the workers had left the room under the orders of Lilith, who had assured Lestrade multiple times she was perfectly fine with busting a hole through a wall by herself. Nonetheless she still needed Jade's strong arm to manage to tear through.

The door didn't look like one, but it sure would soon match the description of the letter.

"Here, dear, take a flashlight." Aunt Catherine grabbed one from a drawer and handed it to the doctor with a gentle smile. "Last I recall there aren't any windows in there, and the lights have been removed when the room was closed off."

Jade found it a bit odd there weren't any windows. From what she could tell, the room would have had a lovely view of the outside. "Thanks."

Lilith crossed her arms, fiddling with the hammer in her hands. "Once you get in we're going to keep opening the wall bigger, so stay back."

lilith. {series one}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu