a game of mad hatter. {part two}

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"Wedding's are quite boring, don't you think?"

Those were the first words that escaped Lilith's mouth the second they climbed into the cab with quite the determined faces. Although Jade's determined face changed rapidly at those words.

"Where did that come from?" she asked, raising an eyebrow as she slammed the cab door.

"This." Jade didn't even fully realize what was happening when a single sheet of paper was suddenly thrown at her face out of nowhere. She yelped slightly as Lilith rolled her eyes like she should have been expecting it.


"Just read it."

Jade took one look at the letter and knew exactly what it was. Her eyes widened as she skimmed the contents of the note, turning back to stare at Lilith. The detective only looked outside the window, possibly waiting for Jade to finish reading as though she was expecting her to take ages to do so.

"It's from the same person as before," Jade concluded astonishingly, flipping the paper over in her hands. "When did you get this?"

"I found it," Lilith replied proudly. She tapped her hands on her knees, at first in a lovely rhythm but then turned into rapid thudding. She looked like a happy young child who just got out of school early on their birthday. "Right outside the building. They knew I would find it."

"You've still yet to tell me who this 'they' is," Jade reminded her. She folded the letter and stuffed it in her coat pocket. Her eyes narrowed as her thoughts fled back to what the new note said. "So it's another case.... involving a bride."

"Whoever this person is, they want me to play a game," Lilith mumbled as she stared out the window longingly. The flashing lights of the city whirled by then in a blur of colour and chaos. It looked as though the entire world was moving in a graceful little dance, with these two wonderful girls stuck in a game of murder and mystery. "And I'm not sure if I want to play."

"Well of course you are."

Lilith frowned and turned to look at her. "Of course I'm not sure, or of course I want to?"

Jade liked it when she made the gears of Lilith's brain stop for a minute to create the wonderful dumbfounded look on her face. "Funny. Of course you want to."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Twenty-three cases Lestrade has given you."

"Do shut up."


When the cab stopped in front of St. Tart's, Jade was only mildly confused this time. Many times Lilith has wandered around until she found herself standing before the building. Once Jade was visiting Max at the lab for a case (for she was being dragged back and forth in trying to locate a missing corpse, very long story indeed) and came face to face with Lilith meddling around with a severed body limb in the morgue.

When Jade asked her what she was doing, Lilith said it was an experiment.

Max wasn't very pleased, but somehow managed to find her amusing.

So now when Jade saw the building that she knew would lead to another one of these delightful encounters, she stared at Lilith with a suspicious frown.

"Whatever we're doing here, please don't steal another decaying body part from the cold room."

"Why would I do that?"

"Just don't."

Lilith gave her a look of utter offense before they made their way inside, and nearly ran head into the mousy Max Hooper in the hallways.

lilith. {series one}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن