Chapter 13 - I still love her

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Hondo rushes out with Laura draped over his shoulder. Casey and Chris watch every move that the paramedics do on Laura before they take her away and Casey walks back to his truck.
"Spill it!" Luca says
"Huh?" Chris says snapping out of it
"Clearly you can't get that attached to a victim?" Luca adds as they start to walk back to black Betty
"Let's just say I wouldn't be a cop without Laura" Chris adds as she looks at the floor
"Good ex? Bad ex? Bad break up?" Luca suggests
"She was a great ex! I left without telling her, I knew I needed to get to LA to become a cop and she was a Chicago girl. I still love her! Who wouldn't lover her?" Chris says as she looks at the floor
"Let's get you to med!" Luca says as he puts a hand on her shoulder
Unfortunately Casey can't stop by med as something has come up. An hour passes and Chris has been waiting in the waiting room. The doctors come in and give her the okay to go in and see Laura
"Hey you" Chris says as she smiles at Laura
"Chris" Laura says weakly
Chris comes and sits on a chair next to Laura's hospital bed
"How you holding up?" Chris says as she smiles
"I'm fine, the doctors said if you hadn't found me then I would have been dead" Laura says as she smiles back at Chris
"Couldn't let that happen to my first and favourite girlfriend could I?" Chris says as Laura's face falls
"Why didn't you tell me?" Laura asks
"I knew you wouldn't come with me, Swat was the only thing I had to look forward to in my life, and" Chris says as Laura buts in
"You couldn't say goodbye, I loved you Chris! You were the best thing that had ever happened to me" Laura says as she lays her hand flat for Chris to hold it
"And I loved you! With everything I had" Chris says as she holds Laura's hand
"Do you think we would have still been together, if you hadn't left?" Laura asks as a tear rolls down her cheek
"I'll let you answer that one honey" Chris says as she wipes Laura's tear
Just then Voight walks in
"Chris?" Voight says stunned
"Hey Hank!" Chris says as she smiles
"I'll give you two a minute" Chris says before she smiles at Laura and walks out
"When did she get back?" Voight asks
"She's the one who saved me" Laura says as she looks at Chris lurking outside
"Don't do this to yourself again" Voight adds
"Do what?" Laura asks turning her attention to Voight
"Fall for her, you know how that ended the last time" Voight says as he takes Laura's hand
"I still love her" Laura adds
"What about Casey?" Voight asks
"I love him too! I don't know who to choose" Laura says
It's later that night and Chris has been by Laura's side until Hondo walks in
"We've not got him yet, but we're trying" Hondo says as Chris gets up
"Okay...Goodnight honey" Chris says as she smiles at Laura
"Wait!" Laura says as Chris stops and turns around
"Can you stay tonight? Make sure I'm safe?" Laura asks as Chris looks at Hondo who nods
Chris walks back and climbs onto the bed next to Laura. She plays with Laura's hair and Laura falls asleep in her arms...
*Authors Note*
I really need your help now! Casey or Chris(Picture above) who do you want to see Laura end up with? I'm really stuck! And don't know who she should date!

In Love with the degree Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon