Chapter 12 - Bleeding out

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The bullet then goes through Laura's abdomen causing her to fall to the floor. The kids all scream as Greg runs away
"Emma?" Laura says as she breaths heavily
"Yes?" Emma says shaking
"Go get my phone and give it to me" Laura says as Emma does what she's told
Laura dials in Casey's number
"Laura!" Casey says as he answers it
"I need you to come get us..." Laura says out of breath
"Laura? What's wrong sweetheart?" Casey says worried
"They..He...Shot me" Laura says with her hand over her wound
"Your joking right? Tell me your joking?!" Casey says in disbelief
"I'm so exhausted Matt" Laura says trying to stay awake
"Stay with me! We're going to get you" Casey says but Laura doesn't answer
"Emma! Emma honey!?" Casey shouts as Emma grabs the phone
"Miss Russell's hurt!" Emma says shaking
"Is Miss Russell awake?" Casey asks
"No" Emma says looking at Laura's unconscious body lying on the ground
"Okay...Remember Auntie shay? She taught you how to check someone's pulse?" Casey says in a panic
"Yeah...You put 2 fingers on the persons neck and count?" Emma suggests
"Thats it sweetie! I need you to do that with Miss Russell! Can you do that for me?" Casey says
Emma puts the phone down and checks Laura's pulse
"She's got a pulse dad!" Emma says and Casey lets out a breath
"Okay! I need you to make sure she stays awake!" Casey says as Emma follows his instructions
"You need to get her out!" Casey shouts
"Boss! You might wanna come see this" Chris shouts
Hondo runs over followed by Erin, Casey and Kelly
"Greg Davis! An ex student. Who happened to fail Laura's class and wants revenge on her. He wrote on his Facebook last week that he needed to get her back" Chris says as Hondo looks at Luca
"We're going in!" Hondo says as Luca nods
Hondo, Chris and Luca suit up and run in. Luca and Chris take the second floor which Laura's classroom is on. They burst into her classroom to see all the kids scared hiding behind their desks with Laura lying on the floor bleeding out
"Luca get the kids! I'll get Laura" Chris shouts as Luca runs over to the kids
"Hey guys! My name is Luca and I'm going to get you out of here!" Luca says as all the kids get up and he leads them out
"Laura sweetie...Can you open your eyes for me?" Chris says putting her hand over Laura's wound
"Christina?" Laura says weakly as she looks at Chris
"My mom always wanted me to end up with you!" Chris says as she smiles
"And then you ran...Away to LA and became a cop" Laura says as she gasps for air
"Hey! You need to stay awake! Your strong remember! I always loved that about you!" Chris says as Laura shuts her eyes
"Laura! I can't loose you again!" Chris shouts as Hondo and Luca run in....
*Authors Note*
Well what's going on here then? Could Chris be another love interest? Should Laura stick with Casey? Or should she move onto Chris?(picture of Chris above) Give your preferences in the comments! Thank you!

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