Chapter 8 - Scripts

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It's later that night and Kelly is sitting with Casey in the living room
"Dad! Uncle Kelly! I need your help!" Emma says as she rushes in
"What's up kiddo?" Kelly asks
"I've got a performance on Monday for Miss Russell's class and I need you two to help me practice!" Emma says firmly
"What parts are we?" Casey asks
"Dad is going to be the prince and Kelly so going to be the princess!" Emma says handing them the scripts
"Why do I have to be a princess?" Kelly asks
"Because you are a princess!" Casey replies as he laughs
"Your lucky your child's here!" Kelly says
"That's enough! Focus! Im the wicked Witch who is trying to cast a spell on the princess!" Emma says as she sits next to Casey
"And start!" Emma says
"Oh my Princess! I'll always protect you!" Casey says in a very heroic voice
"I know my prince but what if her powers are just too strong?" Kelly says in a very manly voice
"Hold up! You need to sound more like a princess uncle Kelly!" Emma says
"What like this?" Kelly says going really high
"Yes!" Emma says
"I promise I'll get you out of this mess! For us! And the baby!" Casey says as he reaches out to put his hand on Kelly's belly as the script says
"Put your hand anywhere near me and you won't have a hand!" Kelly whispers
"Hahaha! What these perfect little royals don't know is that I'm watching there every move! Hahahah!" Emma says in a old woman's voice
They then go through the rest of the play with Kelly's voice getting higher each time he speaks
"Thank you guys! Your the best!" Emma says as she gives both of them a hug before skipping back up the stairs
"That was the worst thing I've ever done in my life!" Casey says as he grabs his beer
"Same here!" Kelly says still in his high princess voice
"You can snap out of it you know?!" Casey says as he laughs
Kelly then clears his throat
"This stays in here! Got it? If I find out that you told a soul you will be 5 feet deep!" Kelly says
"Is that a threat? Cuz that's one I'm willing to take!" Casey says as he plays the recording of Kelly
"Your dead!" Kelly says as he tries to snatch caseys phone
"Too late!" Casey says as he hits send to the group chat
"I'm gonna kill you!" Kelly says as Casey laughs
Casey then gets tons of notifications
"He's gonna kill you!" Cruz writes
"The princess life would suit him" Capp writes
"How are you even alive to post that?" Herrmann writes as Casey looks up from his phone to see Kelly giving him a death look
"Get your ass over here!" Kelly shouts as Casey runs away

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