Do you... want a hug?

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Momo's jaw dropped at the scene that was in front of her. 

What is happening?!

Finally, they both came up to breathe and simultaneously noticed Momo standing there with a shocked expression.

"What the HELL, Awase?" She seethed. But Awase just smirked up at the green-haired girl in his lap, who looked very uncomfortable.

"Oh, I'm sorry," He sarcastically said, looking at her, now ex, girlfriend. "I was under the assumption that we had broken up."

"And what made you assume that?"

"Oh come on, Yaomomo," Awase rolled his eyes. "This is for the best anyways." He gave a wicked smile. "I'm a wild card and you're... let's just say 'innocent'." He finished off with a chuckle, intending to make Momo angry.

But that wasn't quite the emotion that she was feeling wasn't anger, she was actually rather calm during this interaction except for the initial shock/anger.

"You know what," she started and narrowed her eyes at Awase. "I dodged a bullet with you. I thought that dating you would be great but you turned out to be an insecure, arrogant douchebag!"

She started to walk into her classroom but stopped to say one more thing. "And before you talk about how different we are, remember who asked who out." 

Without another word, she walked into class 1A. But as she walked in she heard Shiozaki pipe up in a whisper, "I thought you said you guys had broken up..."


Throughout the day, Momo got compliments and praise for standing up to Awase like that. Although this all felt nice and comforting and she didn't feel anything at the moment, being cheated on didn't feel great. Even if it was a person you apparently didn't have feelings for in the first place. So behind all the smiles and "thank you"'s, was a girl who was about to cry.

When the school day finally finished, Momo sped back to Heights Alliance when she realized something. Shouto didn't even speak to her today.

Of course, he hadn't been speaking to her for a month now, but for someone who had a clear dislike of Awase, she expected at least a word from him.

As she reached the door of her dorm room she was about to text him when she opened the door and found him sitting next to her bed, on his phone.

Okay... maybe he wanted to say it in privat-

Momo gasped as he lifted up his head which held a bruise on his jaw. She ran over to him and saw that he had bruises all over his arms and that his knuckles were red and had a little bit of blood on them.

"Shouto what happened!?" She grabbed his face and examined the bruise but he quickly took her hands off so she wouldn't feel his face heating up.

"I'm fine."

"No, you are NOT Shouto! What happened?"

Shouto didn't want to explain what happened so he stayed quiet. Momo huffed and went to the bathroom to get a first aid kit. When she got back, Shouto was laying on the ground with his arm over his eyes. She couldn't help but admire how peaceful he was at that moment.

"Is there rubbing alcohol in there?" He said, snapping her out of it.

"Yea there is."

Shouto sat up and reached for the box but Momo held it out of his reach and sat next to him. Without saying anything, she grabbed the rubbing alcohol and some cotton balls and grabbed his hand. Shouto, wanting to do it himself, tried to pull his hand away but she had a firm grip and he didn't want to hurt her so he just gave in. 

Give me a hug, ShoutoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon