I have a crush

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"Finally," Mina said exasperated. She and Momo laid on the pink-haired girl's bed. Momo had just told her best friend how she had feelings for Shouto. "It took you so long to realize even after all the hints that I gave."

"So you knew that I had feeli-"

"Oh my God, please stop saying that, Yaomomo!" Mina sighed and threw her arms up. "You have a crush. Say it."

"Why do I have to say it?"

"Say it."

"Fine, I have a crush." Momo rolled her eyes. "So you knew I had a crush on him this whole time?"

Mina looked deep into her friend's eyes and said, "Yaomomo, you won't even let me call you by your real name, you barely even let me in your dorm room and it took you forever to even give me a hint about your home life. But you told him and let him do all those things in a heartbeat."

Momo averted her eyes and weakly disputed, "well, technically, I didn't tell him about my mom."

"Well, there's only one thing left to do," Mina continued, ignoring her friend's previous idiotic statement.

Momo looked at her with a confused/worried expression, not knowing where her friend was going with this.

"Well, you need to tell him!"

Turns out Momo was worried for a reason. "No! Nonononono... Mina that is NOT happening. He definitely doesn't like me back! And I don't want to jeopardize our friendship just because of a couple of  'feelings'" She put air quotes on the last word which made her friend frown.

Before Mina could argue, Momo said, "ANYways... I have a ton of homework to do, so I'm going to head out." She lied, she always finished her homework the second she got to her dorm after class. Mina knew this, of course, but didn't stop her, this topic was obviously a tough thing for her to wrap her head around.

"Alright... see you later, Lovestruck." 


Momo's palms were sweaty as hid in the bathroom. Shouto had come to her room unannounced, just like old times, what he said when he walked in which made her heart do the fluttering thing again.

To hide her surprise and flusteredness, she went to the bathroom to hide. No, she couldn't stay in there forever but she could at least try.

She slapped her hands on her face. You can't just stay in here, Momo! Alas, her inner conscience was right so she took a deep breath and headed back to her dorm room. 

When she opened her door, there he was, in all of his glory, laying casually on her bed. She could never imagine the old Shouto doing this.


"You were gone for a while," He looked away from his phone, at her, which snapped her out of her trance. You really need to stop staring, she thought to herself.

"Yea, just a bit of business to attend to," Momo said but quickly blushed and stammered, realizing what she just said. "N-no! I didn't mean it like that, that sounded bad!" 

While she tried to take back what she just said, Shouto lay on her bed, biting his lip, trying to keep from cracking a smile. "I-It's f-fine," He was laughing, Shouto was laughing! 

Yes, he was laughing at her, but hearing him laugh for the first time made her feel all fuzzy inside and her legs felt like jello.

These feelings need to stop. Momo blinked hard and shook her head. I'm a mess

Shouto, after his fit of laughter, sat up on Momo's bed and lightly tapped the spot next to him, indicating that he wanted her to sit next to him. 

If Momo had any chance of pulling herself together before, it was gone in an instant.


A/N~ Thank you for so many views! There will be a new chapter soon, sorry to keep you waiting on this one!

Thank you for reading!

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