Why do I care?

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Momo and Awase went on a couple of dates and word got around that they were the new couple on the block.

When Momo and Shouto hung out, which they rarely did anymore, it was always "awase this" and "awase that". "Did you see what awase posted about me on his story?" "Isn't he just the cutest?". Every time his name was mentioned Shouto threw up internally and changed the subject. Most of the time he would make up some bogus excuse not to hang out with her to avoid this annoying topic.

He would roll his eyes and avoid eye contact when they would hold hands in the hallway and look all loveydovey into each others eyes.

Even after seen their displays of affection, Shouto didn't, and would probably never, trust Awase.

He laid in his bed and scrubbed his eyes hard. Why do you even care? You and Momo are barely even friends anymore. Shouto stopped scrubbing for a moment to stop and think. 

Wait, why do I care? 

He lay there for a couple of moments contemplating why he cared about Momo so much. 

She was my only friend, of course I care! 

But even he didn't believe himself.

Shouto pulled out his phone and called the only person that would be able to explain what he was feeling.



"Hey, Fuyumi..."


A/N- You know the drill. Short chapter today, long one coming soon..

I really missed this and I'm glad to be back! I actually really love you guys and really appreciate you! Also, 12k reads.... sorry WAHT?!!

Thank you as always for reading!

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