I don't care

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After running into Shouto, Momo returned to her dorm. She was still sniffling a little bit as she silently closed the door behind her.

"Where were you?" Awase's voice said behind her, making her jump. She turned around to find him in a white tank top and pajama bottoms.

Momo took a deep breath to calm herself down and said. "I just went for a walk."

"Where?" Awase stood up and walked towards her. "With who? And are you crying?"

Momo walked away from the door where he was trying to corner her and took another deep breath. She understood that he was worried but he was just so overbearing sometimes. Can't I just be alone for once?

"I just took a walk around the city by myself and no, I'm not crying, it was just a little she lied. For some reason, telling Awase just didn't feel right. "Just calm down please."

"Calm down? You want me to calm down?!" His voice raised and Momo turned to face him angrily. "You were gone for God knows how long-"

"One hour," she interjected.

"Doing God knows what!"

Momo clenched her jaw and said. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Next time should I notify you when I got to the bathroom, brush my hair or breathe?"

"Oh come on Yaomomo," Awase ran his hand through his hair. "You could have been out cheating on me for God's sake!"

Momo's jaw dropped in shock and confusion. "So that's why you're so mad. You are so insecure that you think I was cheating on you! Well maybe, if you would just trust me-"

"Trust you!?" He shouted in almost astonishment. "You won't even let me call you by your real name! But, oh, that red and white haired jackass can?!"

She finally put the pieces together.

"You thought," she started. "That I was out cheating on you with Shouto?" Momo narrowed her eyes at her insecure boyfriend who was going to be a soon to be ex if he kept it up.

Awase's nostrils flared at her words but he didn't say anything for a long time.

"I don't trust him."

"I don't care." Momo threw her hands up in exasperation. "Why do you care so much if me and Shouto are. just. friends." Momo, who had never raised her voice, lowered her voice to much more dangerous tone.

"Why can't you just respect your boyfriend's wishes an-"

"Respect your wishes?" She repeated back just to make sure he actually said it. "You want me to give up the closest friendship I've ever had and probably the only one he's ever had."

"Why do you care so much about him?"

"Because last time I checked, that's what friends do? And me and Shouto are just friends."

"Well, how am I supposed to believe that?!"

"Because I'm your girlfriend and we're supposed to trust each other!"

"But you couldn't even tell me where you were going tonight!"

"Oh, so whenever I go out, I have to tell you of my whereabouts?"

"Yes! That would be nice!"

Momo gave him an incredulous look to see if he was serious.

He was.

"That's not gonna happen Awase! I am my own person and you can't control me all of the time."

"Oh my God, Yaomomo, you are just impossible!" was the last thing Awase said before leaving and slamming the door behind him. Momo rubbed her temples because of her new found headache. She scrubbed her face and started to get ready for bed when her phone buzzed with a notification.

She picked it up and looked at who texted her.

ST- Are you okay?

It was Shouto.

Momo sighed and texted back.

M- Never been better

ST- Are you sure? Because the whole hall could hear you guys.

Well, mostly Awase

M- Yea we're fine

It was just a stupid fight

ST- A fight that I'm pretty sure was about me

That is, if I'm the "red and white haired jackass"

Momo laughed at her phone as she brushed her teeth

M- You would be correct

Don't even worry about it, Awase was being a jerk

ST- Didn't even give it a second thought

Momo gave a sigh of relief

ST- Also about the whole hugging thing

M- Omg I almost forgot about that

Please forget it

A lot was happening

ST- Momo I know what happened

Momo froze as she was about to get into bed. He knew what?

ST- I was standing behind your door when your mom and dad called because I was going to apologize for the falling thing when I heard everything.

M- ...

M- ...

M- ...

M- ok

ST- ok? that's it?

M- no that's not it

we have to get even

you have to tell me something big that I don't know about you

Momo waited a while for Shouto to text back but he never did. He just left her on read. She wanted to apologize but her phone died. She pressed her hands over her face and groaned.


Meanwhile in Shouto's dorm room, he just laid on his bed, staring at his phone, not knowing what to answer Momo.


A/N~ I'm sorry for not posting in a while.

16.7k views? Am I reading that right?

You guys are just the best and I don't know where this story (or my mental state) would be without you so thank you!

No, my posting schedule will not be changing since it's summer vacation (*cue booing sound effect), but I will try to post as frequent as I can!

For some reason, I've convinced myself to get in shape and try a sport (I don't know how this happened) so wish me luck!

As always, thank you for reading! ♡

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