"You're hair is quite long" pt.2

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Momo stayed in a state shock for the next couple of minutes before she snapped out of it and slipped on some sweatpants before she headed to the common room. She met up with Mina in the hallway and both the girls joined the rest of their classmates on the couches. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Shouto leaned behind one of the couches and her heart fluttered when she saw that he was still wearing the man bun. 

Why does that keep happening? Ever since he had come to her room in the middle of the night to apologize, her heart kept going crazy at every little thing he did. She didn't have an explanation for these feelings and she felt like it wouldn't end well if she asked her friends.

"Woah! Todoroki nice hair!" Kaminari appeared around the corner with Mineta trailing behind him.

Everybody's heads turned towards Shouto who just looked back boredly.

"Yeah, did you do that yourself?" Ochako piped up. 

Please don't say I did it. Please don't say I did it. Pleas-

"No, Yaoyorozu did, actually."

God, take me now.

The whole room went silent and everybody turned their gaze towards the raven-haired girl who sat cross-legged and was now turning the color of a tomato. Momo looked at Mina whose eyes lit up with mischief. Before she could say anything, though, Mr. Aizawa walked in and began telling them about their training.

Momo took a silent sigh of relief at the change of subject and risked a glance at Shouto. He, to her surprise, was staring right back at her.


After being interrogated by her friends and successfully giving them no information to go off of, Momo flopped down on her bed with a big sigh. She turned her head to the side to look out the sliding glass door and saw the beautiful night sky in front of her. Without thinking, she got up and went out, enjoying the breeze hitting her face.

Momo let out a deep breath and relaxed her shoulders. It was nice to have a moment when she was putting on a face or lying about her family situation. Even though she was really close with Shouto, she was never truly relaxed around him. She was constantly worried about accidentally telling him that her mom had left or that her dad rarely even spoke to her anymore. He didn't need to know all of this, he probably had enough on his mind so he didn't Momo's problems on top of it. 

Unconsciously, Momo had closed her eyes and let herself be consumed by the coldness of the night. She just stood there leaning on the railing of the balcony for quite some time before her mind wandered to something else. Someone else.

I think you can guess who that someone else is.

She thought about how she felt like she knew nothing about him and how mysterious he was. He would open up sometimes while they were talking but he would basically shut down when certain topics were brought up. Like his scar, or his father. Momo wanted to respect his privacy and not pry when this happened, but there was just so much that she wanted to know and he probably wouldn't tell her.

Then Momo thought about his eyes. She had never met someone with heterochromatic eyes before, they were so captivating. 

Then his jawline. So sharp.

Then his abs. Just wow. Momo blushed at her own thoughts. Why was she thinking like this?

The her mind went back to his scar. She frowned, still wanting to know what it was from. Had he gotten in a fight? Was it an accident or on purpose?

As it was getting later and colder, Momo went back inside and closed the screen door behind her. She put her hair in a bun and grabbed her tiny fluffy bunny keychain from her nightstand and clutched it against her heart as she snuggled under her sheets. 

Momo happily drifted off to sleep as the soft fur of the bunny tickled her chin.


A/N- Thank you for 1.3K reads! I never thought it would happen but it did. And thank you for getting this story to #1 on Todomomo! You guys are the best and I appreciate you so much!

I'll try to keep a semi-consistent schedule.

Thank you for reading!

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