Thinking of it, it wouldn't be so bad if she paired up with them; they already know each other. With all these thoughts around her head she didn't realized the time when she felt into a  slumber.


Her midnight blue hair was moving as the wind came rushing from the open window, she flinched as she grasped the blanket tighter and her lavender eyes open slowly. Slowly sitting up she rub her eyes and let out a small yawn.

She stare up at the sky from the window, it was a view worth seeing. The sunset with the color of yellow and orange merging with the cloud flying upon the sky. She smiled and stood up from her bed, leaving the room.

Her earlier plan after training with her father was to go on a walk after resting a little but nonetheless she fall asleep without her knowing. So why not now? it was a good chance tough; after becoming a genin she didn't know if she will be able to walk around the village so oftenly.

Hinata walk around the park looking at the children playing hide and seek together and some parents coming to take her children home carrying them in their shoulders, laughing and giggling.

She miss it, when she played in her childhood her mother always come to take her home carrying her like a child, although she complain she was not a child anymore her mother would always reply as 'But for me you would always be a small baby. Hinata'. Well that was until she was alive. She miss her.

Now she was walking around the mountains to see the sunset and the stars which will came visible in some minutes. While walking, she heard a small faint shout filled with pain. Panicking she look around in search for the voice but no one was around her so she activated her Byakugan to check around her surroundings.

Just in the woods he saw someone with raven hair facing his back on her, sitting on the ground grabbing his knees which was bleeding. She can't tell properly but his clothes was worn, he was probably training and got hurt somehow.

Without thinking who it was she ran towards him deactivating her Kekkai genkai. Hinata stand behind a tree to take a good look on the situation biting her lower lip which was her habit. She always do it when she was nervous.

Her eyes widened when she recognized whom the person was. It was the last person she expected to see; Sasuke Uchiha. He took out the knife from his flesh and touch the wounded area with his hands. He was in pain, she can see it.

Sensing something around him, Sasuke turn around with his cold famous Uchiha glare before calling out, "Who ever it is, come out."

Gulping, Hinata quickly walk out from her hidden spot until she was in front of the Uchiha. Her head was low the whole time as she walk with slow steps; she was kinda scared to face the Uchiha.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow staring at the girl in front of him, he remembered she was his classmate but can't really remember her name, the only thing he remembered about her was that she always stalk that dobe and that she have a crush on him. Just the idiot was too stupid to see.

"Hyuga?" He spoke after a moment of trying to remember her name, but he called her name in a questioning manner probably confused about why she was there. Yet he was impressed that she have the guts to face him.

Raising her head a little she stare at the Uchiha completely taken a back that he remember her name but drop it when she remembered about his wound. She kneel down on her knees and look at his bleeding wound.

"A-ano, y-y-your knees i-is bleeding" she stuttered out, her tone filled with concerned. Well, did i mention she lacked in confidence.

"What are you doing here" Sasuke asked in his cold tone, ignoring her concern. He didn't need it anyway.

Hinata raised her head to meet his cold gaze surprised that he didn't even flinched although his knee must be hurting like hell. He is good at making his emotions.

"I-i was ju-just pas-ssing by a-and i-i hea-rd a fa-faint shout so i ca-ame to ch-check"

She stuttered so much.

"I don't need your sympathy"

"A-ano but i-it may frac-fractured" She reason out and put one of her hands in her pocket and pull out a balm. The same balm she used to her wounds, it was good tough. Her mother teach her to nade it.

With all the courage she have she handed it to the cold Uchiha who was watching her suspiciously the whole time, "Ple-please use th-this, it's really g-good"

Sasuke averted his gaze to the balm and to the Hyuga girl in front of him; although he didn't saw it he was just a bit happy that at least someone cared for him enough to give him a balm. It's just that she didn't expect it from Hinata.

With a debate with himself on whether he should take the balm or not, he didn't realize the wound on her knees bleeding continously. It was just than he realized when he felt some cold thing falling from his leg to the ground. He flinched and touch the stop but removed it immediately when he fell the pain.

"Pl-please use it, Sa-sasuke-kun" Hinata said panicking staring at his eyes with her lavender one. He stare back with her with the same emotionless face and cold eyes, his stare looks so dangerous, it was like it could form a core in her body just by it.

"I don't need it" At last his ego get the best of him as he can't help when that words slipped from his mouth.

Realizing the situation, hinata knew that if she remain there he would never in his life used the balm he gave in his wound so she decided to leave him alone keeping the balm on the ground.

With a light blush on her cheeks she hesitate to say the next words but nonetheless she let it out "I-I'm kee-keeping it here, j-just use i-it please" with that she ran away as fast as she could to go hide in her room in embarrassment.

Sasuke smirked looking at her retreating figure until it was out of sight than he averted his gaze to the balm on the ground. He took it in his hands and open it; before using it he brought it to his nose to see if she put some kind of poison in it to kill himbut all he could smell was herbs, fresh herbs.

At least there isn't any poison. Hn.

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