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Hi, my name is Huey P. Freeman, I'm 16 years old and I'm currently living in Baltimore, Maryland.  I go to school at Woodcrest High School where I'm the club leader of the A.F.R.O Association. We strive to rehabilitate black people in our community through our club. When I'm older, I'm going to do it all over the world.

I believe it is a better method for our people to have a fresh start in this society. The system is broken, and our purpose is to break through it in order to improve ourselves and our community.

In my club, there are just ten people, who try to resist the system and serve our community. One of those individuals was myself. This was a great number for me because not everyone in our area felt strongly about helping the community. I didn't like being around a lot of people, so this worked out great for me.

Michael Ceasar, my best friend, would be the one I would approach if I ever needed to talk to someone in my club. Everyone who knows him refers to him as Ceasar since he despises being addressed as Michael. His parents and teachers who don't like him are the only ones who call him by his first name.

I could care less about what he wants to be called, but I respectfully call him Ceasar. We've been best friends since he moved here his first year at middle school. He was a cool and laid-back guy who shared my views on politics and the black community, so we got along pretty smoothly.

Ceasar was a good friend and nice guy, but the only thing I didn't agree with him upon was how he carelessly slept with females that found him attractive. This has been happening since the 8th-grade year when he slept with a girl from the 9th grade. I remember she broke up with him because her friends laughed at her for dating someone younger than her.

Ceasar isn't the only one of my close friends. Hiro, Ming, and Jazmine are all present. Hiro was a Japanese-American who wanted to become a DJ. I listened to some of his remixes and thought he was decent. I admired how he pursued his aspirations by landing gigs and receiving requests to do remixes for celebrities. That demonstrates how far someone will go to achieve a goal.

Then there's Ming, who I admit I didn't like when I first met her since she was being very manipulative during the kickball game, and her team purposefully damaged all of the players. Then they all laughed at me, which didn't sit well with me, so I ejected them all. We ended up winning because I tagged her out at the end of the game. 

She left Woodcrest and didn't return until middle school year after her parents thought she'd be able to receive better opportunities here. We became good friends that really don't talk a lot. She has a complete understanding of my part and I have a complete understanding of her part.

Last but not least, there's Jazmine Dubois, I don't know what to say about Jazmine. When I first met her she got on my fucking nerves, she still does after six years of us knowing each other. She was very naive and she cried about almost everything. Half that stuff I blame on Tom and Sarah since they never exposed Jazmine to the truth of reality.

I still have a feeling she believes in Santa Clause because every year when it's Christmas she still goes to the mall and takes a picture with him. I don't know if it's because her parents force her to or if it's because she wants to.

Jazmine is the captain of the Woodcrest High School dance team as well as a social media influencer. It turns out that the videos she created as a child had a lasting impact on her. She was paid for wearing and posting other people's products. Despite the fact that everyone in our friend group, including myself, is well-known on social media, Jazmine is the wealthiest and most well-known out of us all.

Jazmine was the person everyone liked to hang out with and aspired to be. She was well-liked by all; she was wealthy, talented, intelligent, attractive, and had matured well. Almost every girl wished to be Jazmine, while others covetously looked up to her.

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