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Ruby turned just as a shadow descended over her. She blinked. Talon stood in front of her in his ridiculous Joker costume. He leaned a hand on the wall behind her so he was truly hovering over her.

"Ruby," He said, "I need to speak with you." His dark eyes shifted to Lexi, who Ruby had been talking to before he'd interrupted, and said, "Alone."

Lexi rolled her eyes, "Fine, I'll go find Rex." She gave Ruby's hand a squeeze. The gleam in the girl's eyes nearly made Ruby blush as she glanced between her and Talon suggestively. "Have fun."

Ignoring the heat rising in her, Ruby faced him. "What's up?"

He smiled, and her heart skipped. It was the smile that always killed her resolve, and he knew it too. The time she'd said no to sneaking into a club, he'd used that exact smile. Five hours of dancing and scoring each other hot dates and they were being chased off by the security. "I need your help with something."

"Okay. Shoot."

His grin twitched slightly, "There's this girl."

"And you're coming to me for advice?" She arched a brow, "When have I ever successfully picked up a girl?"

"Oh come on, Ruby."

"Fine, fine. Tell me everything."

"Okay." He licked his lips and Ruby's curiosity peaked. He was nervous. "She's different. She the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. Nice, funny, and intelligent. And she knows me. I mean really knows me."

"So she knows your dating history?"

He huffed out a laugh, "Yeah. She does." Suddenly his gaze grew intent, locking her own in it and not letting her look away. "Ruby," he said slowly, "I want to be with her. I want to be able to tell her she's beautiful without her thinking I'm playing her. I want to be able to get to know her in a deeper way; to hold her, laugh with her. To touch her." Again he licked his lips, "But how do I convince her that I'm ready for a real relationship."

Ruby stayed silent. Even with music pounding and neon lights dancing on the walls, he was in sharp focus. Her heart was racing at the same time it was breaking. The way he spoke, she could only hope he meant her. But Ruby knew he didn't. However, it didn't matter if he did, her words wouldn't change.

"You aren't ready for a real relationship, Talon."

He blinked, pulling back, "What?"

She straightened, "You can't be ready for one and be flirting with other girls." His lips pressed thin and she took it as a sign to continue, "but even if you were serious. You'd have to prove it. Work for it."

"Okay," he said quickly.

"No, Talon. I mean it. A relationship is commiment. Something you aren't used to. It's all of your time and effort. It's taking someone else's life and happiness into consideration. Are you ready for that?"

He watched her, countless emotions crossing his features. Ruby schooled her face into a neutral expression. Say yes, she thought all the while she hoped he'd say no. Ruby wanted him to be talking about her. But she also hoped he wasn't. She knew that no matter what, he wasn't ready for one. Not yet, and she wouldn't let him hurt her. But she also didn't want to hurt him by making him feel like he had to stay with her.

Besides, was she even ready for one?

On second thought, she really hoped he wasn't talking about her.

They watched each other, both trying to read the other. Then he leaned back. Ruby hadn't realized how close he'd gotten until cool air swept in and she could breathe again. An easy smile broke on his face, "Probably not. She's too good for me."

Ruby huffed out a laugh, "Is she a figment of your imagination?"

"I hope not. I talk to her. She talks to me. I wouldn't want to look dumb."

She shook her head and, giving him a playful shove, said, "You only look how you are."

He slung his large arm around her shoulders and tugged her into his side, all of the earlier tension forgotten, "Come on."


"To kick my ass in beer pong."

She laughed, a challenging grin crossing her face when she said, "Always."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~
These two are driving me crazy.

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