Chapter Fifty Seven

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Ruby's nails sunk directly into his eyes. Orpheus made a choked sound between a cry and a growl before throwing her off. She landed on her feet and watch as he turned toward her, blood streaming down his face. Her attack must have pushed his limits because next thing she knew, he was tackling her.

She clawed at his chest, shredding his shirt. He forced her shoulders down hard and sunk his fangs into her throat. Ruby screamed. He was slow, tearing them back and forth through tissue and scraping bone. Deeper and deeper they went. The pain was too much and worse than the blade.

She bucked and fought his weight. While it didn't get him off of her, it freed one of her arms. She reared it back and swung it home, nail first, into his gut. Her claws sunk in deep.

Orpheus jerked back, snatching her wrist and giving it a sharp twist. Pain shot through and her hand fell limp. He got to his feet, breathing heavily. For a moment, they locked gazes. World ending amounts of fury passing between.

Then a slow creeping smile stretched on his face. It was a sickening sight with her blood still running from his mouth. With a stir of air, he was gone.

Ruby shot to her feet and searched wildly for him. She was hungry for more. Her nails had scraped his insides. Next time, she'd rip them out.

But when she found him, standing in a patch of bright moon light, staring right at her and wearing that same sickening smile her heart dropped. In his arms, was Talon.

Orpheus jerked Talon's head back and sunk his fangs into that mangagled patch of scar tissue.

Everything. All of the anger, the sadness, and fear exploded out of Ruby in one single cry.


The world went dark.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

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