Chapter Thirty Eight

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Ruby crept from her room, slipping quietly past Halle's and down the hall. It was late, and she only wore pajama shorts and a loose shirt. But she needed to see the one person who might have answers for what was happening to her.

She stopped before the towering double doors, her hand raised to grab the wolf's head knocker, and she hesitated. What if he was asleep? It was inappropriate for her to show up this late. What would he think of it?

Before she could make a decision, though, the door opened to reveal Orpheus. He gave her a small smile, not appearing at all surprised by seeing her there, "Come in."

"Thank you."

"How did your challenge go today?" He asked, shutting the door softly.

Ruby peered up at him. "They didn't tell you?"

Amusement glittered in his eyes as he leaned back on his desk. "I'd rather hear it from you."

Her heart dropped. Was this the calm before the storm? She didn't know if he knew Henry. Maybe they were close friends. What would her punishement be? She gnawed on the inside of her cheek, looking everywhere but at him.

"Ruby," he said. His voice was so soft that she had to look up, shocked at the sudden change. There was no amusement but neither was there anger. Instead he looked understanding.

"I didn't mean to hurt him."

"I know."

"I got," she paused, "something happened inside of me and I wanted to hurt him."

His eyes scoured her face. He didn't say anything for a long moment and she began to worry that maybe it wasn't understanding on his face, but contempt. After a minute he gave a short nod, "I know how you feel."

She straightened. She'd suspected it. Ruby had felt the same chasm within him, tugging at her own. "How do you fight it?"

Something, an emotion she couldn't read, flitted over his face, "It's impossible."

"I want to get rid of it."

He sighed, "Ruby-"

She broke. Approaching him, her eyes stinging, she pleaded, "Please, Orpheus, tell me how to."

"You can't get rid of it," he said, his expression serious, "your only options are to fight it for the rest of your enternity, or to accept it."

Ruby took a faltering step back, "No."

"It's the truth."

"No," she shook her head, "it can't be. I can't live with this."

"Accept it, Ruby."

"I almost killed someone today," she cried.


"Yes. Next time, 'almost' could become, 'I did'."

"How did you?"

Ruby scrubbed her face, "I don't know. Anger took over and I somehow made my light into a blade that I could throw, or push, at him. Why?"

He nodded, "So you're improving."

"What does this have to do with the man?"

"That obviously, what happened today worked."

She reeled back, "At the expense of someone's life?"

His gaze darkened. Slowly, he stood, coming close enough for their shirts to brush, "You didn't kill him. So it was a success. The fact that you were able to calm down, means that you are not far gone or evil. Some people have this inside of them their entire lives and don't realize it. But you, becoming a vampire and a powerful one at that, means that it is going to fight to suck you in every day. Nothing I say can make that better."

A sound between a sob and a gasp escaped her. What had she been hoping for? Some miracle cure to erase it? If he still struggled with it, then obviously there was no quick fix. She sagged into a chair.

"I'm sorry," she said, not entirely certain of what she was apologizing for. For bothering him so late? For raising her voice? Or was it more to herself than him?

He took the chair beside her, "It's okay. I understand that it's scary. I'm here to help whenever you need."

She smiled weakly, "Thank you. I should probably go. Sorry to have bothered you." Ruby stood to go.

He caught her wrist, "Ruby, don't apologize. You can come see me whenever you wish." She nodded, her brain far from the conversation and now focused on his hand on her wrist. For a brief second she remembered the first time he'd touched her like this. He grinned, exposing perfect white teeth, "I've been meaning to talk to you."


"Who are you going to the watch party with tomorrow?"

"No one," she said quickly. Her heart sped forward.

Orpheus nodded, then licking his lips he asked, "How would you like to go with me?"

Heat shot through her and she couldn't fight the smile that spread on her face, "I'd love to."


She went to leave when a thought struck her, "Orpheus?"


"What is your power?"

His grinned widdened, "I thought you'd ask me that a lot sooner." Standing, he stretched his hand, palm up. Now curious, Ruby stepped closer.

A mass of shadow appeared above his hand. At first she jerked back, her mind racing. "What is it?" There was some sort of orange glow to it, very faint but when she peered close, she could barely pick it out.

"Don't touch it," he warned. She moved back instantly. He huffed out a mirthless laugh, "No one knows for sure what it is. But it burns. It is very painful."

Her brows pinched, "I thought our powers come from nature?"

He looked at her, "Maybe it is nature from a different world."

Like Hell? She thought, only joking. But at the thought she moved farther away, "Is that how you beat the old leader in the duel?"

"You pay a lot of attention," he said, his smile stretching in a way that sent her heart racing. It made her want to kiss him. Or run away from him.

She watched the darkness dancing on his hand and wondered if it was what her own darkness would look like. Ruby shuddered.

He closed his palm and the power disappeared. "You're safe, Ruby."

"I know," she said with a weak grin, "it isn't that. I was just wondering-"

"If it looked like your own darkness?"

Her brows rose, "Yeah."

He nodded, walking back to his desk, "I've wondered the same for decades. I'd pondered whether my power was my darkness in corpreal form." His eyes latched onto hers, "But it isn't. Your darkness is your own."

"I know," Ruby said half-heartedly.

He grinned, "Goodnight, Ruby."

"Goodnight, Orpheus."

"No one calls me that."

Ruby turned, brows pinched, "What?"

"No one calls me by my first name." Her heart dropped as she remembered all of the vampires reffering to him as 'Sire' or 'the lord'. But his smile softened and he said, "I like that you do. Goodnight."


She slipped through the halls and back to her room with a smile on her face, feeling ten times better than she had when she'd first left her room. Crawling under her covers, she thought of Orpheus standing with her as they entered the party. A sight for everyone to see.

A part of her relished in the idea of the shock and jealousy that it would stir. She was certain the feeling came from the darkness inside of her and for now, she didn't care.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

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