Chapter Fifty Eight

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The battle stopped. There was no sound, not even a breath. Ruby felt it; the darkness curl around her as she held her arms open wide. All of her power, all of her strength honed into death's scythe. Focused on one person. As one star burst into being, lighting up Orpheus, his jaw went slack at the sight.

All Ruby saw was the blood, Talon's blood, on his mouth.

She flicked her wrist. Thousands and thousands of stars came alive around them, lighting up the field of fighters. Ruby briefly caught sight of Halle standing at one end of the battle. She was bloody, but alive. The girl met Ruby's gaze and nodded.

Every star was spinning, faster and faster until their scythed edges were lethal. Then, with a resounding boom, Ruby slammed her fists together, and the stars hurtled out of the darkness. The vampires cried out in twisted, wretched screams as the stars shot right into them. Too fast to stop. Ruby watched in grim satisfaction as one's arm slid off, another's head, and one fell to the ground in pieces.

She saved Orpheus for last. Whipping her skirt out of her way, Ruby stormed her path towards him.

The hunters jumped back and scuttled out of her way, some whimpering in fear. She ignored them.

Real fear showed on Orpheus's face. She raised her hands and the stars burned bright hot. Sharper than ever. She'd make sure to fry him from the inside out. Watch as his boiling blood bubbled from his lips. Smile as he begged her to stop. Slowly, inch by inch, carve into his heart. And then, she'd kill him. She hadn't decided exactly how to yet but knew she'd enjoy it all the same.

"Don't do this, Ruby," he said. His stance was strong, expression hard, but he couldn't hide the nervous edge to his words.

"I don't listen to you anymore."

His jaw ticked. He clung tighter to Talon, using his body as a shield. As if she couldn't get him from the back. Ruby stopped only mere feet away.

"Release him," she ordered.

A small hand slipped into hers. Halle. The girl stood tall, facing off Orpheus with a cold, hard gaze. "I'm right here," she whispered, "always by your side."

Ruby was going to thank her when another person moved beside her. The small girl with doe eyes. Worry creased the girl's brow as she glanced between Talon and Orpheus. "Can you save him?"


Orpheus scoffed, "He'll be dead before you take a single step."

She ignored him and held the girl's gaze. Finally the girl nodded and her expression smoothed with determination, "Then I'm right beside you."

Ruby's heart lifted. A small sign that maybe she hadn't lost her humanity.

She faced him once more, now feeling a lot less alone. Ruby began twirling her finger in the air, making a few of the stars behind her spin as well. Orpheus's eyes followed their rotation and he swallowed hard.

"Let him go. I won't repeat myself."

He looked at her, truly looked at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. Baring his teeth, he growled, "Neither will I," and drove his teeth back into Talon, tearing into him ruthlessly. A small cry tumbled from Talon.

"No!" The girl screamed.

"Halle," Ruby cried.

Halle's arms shot up and the air stirred. With a whip's crack Orpheus's head snapped back. He made a sound between a cry and a growl, fighting against the air Halle was hitting him with. Talon slipped from his arms. Ruby shoved the hunter girl forward, yelling, "Go! Get him safe!"

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