Chapter Thirty Three: ''Brielle'' Day

Start from the beginning

Two minutes later, Pops and Diggy's Mom were at the front steps. ''Hey Brielle'' Pops said normal as usual then I gave a hug to Mrs. Simmons. ''Hey Guys, I don't want to start any trouble I just stopped by to see how Nia is doing. Can I see her?" I ask politely. I mean, I knew they were going to let me see her so Raquel just set herself up. Dumbass. 

''Yea, she is in her room. It is next to Diggy's'' Pops said. They let me come in and I headed for the stairs. I put a smirk on my face because I heard Raquel arguing about it and I knew she was mad. The last thing I heard was ''I am sick of everybody in this house''. That is so selfish. She is lucky they actually excepted her to live with them. 

Because if she gets kicked out, her and that baby probably aren't going to survive. But look at me trying to actualy give a fuck. Fuck her.

I mean I don't understand why she is still mad at me. She is back with Christian and PREGNANT by him and he is still there to father her and their baby. Why is she still mad? I mean the car accident with Nia is stupid because she knows damn well that it was not my fault. 

When I reached the top of the stairs, I saw Diggy's usual bedroom and then another room beside it. The door was closed. I knocked then opened the door. 

She was at a little small table drawing and drinking juice. When she looked up at me she ran to me so fast. ''Auntie! I missed you!''. 

''Nia, I missed you so much too. How have you been Pumpkin?''. She laughed before answering. ''I have a wroken arm and I have fu wear it for six more weeks'' She explained pointing to it. 

''I am just glad you are safe. What you drawing?'' I ask going over to the little table. ''Nothing'' She said taking the paper and putting it away. Then she started playing with her fingers. She was looking down. ''What is wrong baby?'' I ask bringing her chin up so she could look at me. 

''Nothing'' I know she is lying. ''Come on. Let Auntie see the picture''. She goes over to her draw in silence and brings out a sheet of paper. She gave it to me and I went to go sit on her bed.

It was a picture of Raquel, Diggy, and Christian. She wrote the names above the picture. But it really said Mommy over Raquel. Lame and Old Daddy over Diggy. Best and new Daddy over Christian. Diggy was crossed out with a red crayon, while a blue crayon was circled around Christian. She put a black heart between Raquel and Diggy, and then put alot of red hearts from Raquel to Christians picture.

Nia was VERY smart for a four year old to draw a picture like this because it meant so much. ''Nia. Daddy loves you, okay? I knew he hurt your mommy but he didn't mean or want to hurt you''. ''I hate him so much Auntie, he hurt my feelings'' She said starting to cry. 

''Hate is a mean and a bad word. Do you love him?''. ''Yes'' She sniffled. ''Okay, then stop saying you hate him. He is your daddy. Your real daddy''. ''But my other daddy loves me more''. I mean  I couldn't say no he doesn't but. ''They both equally love you. Nia, please listen to me. I love you. Your mommy loves you. Both of your dad's love you. But please stop it. You love your daddy just as you love your mother. Stop saying you don't want him or like him because one day daddy isn't going to be there, and you will be sad. So just please stop for the sake of me'' One tear rolled down my face because it is actually really sad. 

I wiped it away. ''I love you okay? I will always love you. Just please give Daddy one more chance. I will come to see you tomorrow, I promise okay?''. ''Okay''. ''Give me a hug'' I say reaching out for a hug, just like she was told she hugged me back. 

''And I am taking this picture away, it is a mean picture'' I say walking out the room. A frown grew upon my face. I march downstairs. 

Raquel was on the couch eating chips. I walk to where she couldn't see the tv. I put up the picture, and start confronting her. ''Why the hell is Nia drawing shit like this? What are you telling her?!'' I half way yell.

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