Next thing i know ukai was across the room after getting thrown by his grandpa. I couldn't help but laugh a bit, the way he spun in the air was just so funny.

At this moment I realized that I was still supposed to be mad at him. So I grabbed my things I needed and walked out of the store without saying anything after I payed.

Ukai POV
After getting thrown by my grandpa I was going to talk with (L/n) but she had already left. So I started to walk to the back only to feel a tug on my shoulder.

"You're really just going to let her walk away like that, even after hearing that she came to see you??" My grandpa had his hand gripping my shoulder as he was pushing me to the door. He then shoved me outside and in the direction she had went.

I saw her turn a corner and quickly took off after her.

"HEY!!" I called after her getting her attention. She turned around as I caught up.

"Why did you just ignore me and leave like that at the store?" I asked her but yet again she just rolled her eyes and started walking away.

I grabbed her shoulder and spun her around, but when I did I almost regretted it.

"Hey, why are you crying?" I asked her as gently as I could, trying not to sound mean or anything.

"Because of you, you asshole. I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU, I THOUGHT YOU JUST UP AND LEFT ME LIKE EVERYONE ELSE WOULD!!" She cried harder as she dropped her bags and hit my chest. Before she could get another hit in I grabbed her arm and pulled her in.

There we were standing, with her in my arms as I was trying to comfort her and make her stop crying, but....then it started to rain. Neither of us seemed to car though, so we just stood still there the only sounds being her sobs and the rain hitting the ground.

"Hey, hey, hey, hun it's ok im not going to leave you. I never planned on it, despite the way I act, I really do consider you a close....uh....friend." I hesitated on the word friend. I started to think about how geri would tell the team about how we hang out and one time I overheard her "whispering", she can't whisper well at all, to the team that they were going to make a plan to get us together after a few months. Now I really don't think that's going to happen, so I just let it be.
But right now, I've noticed that (L/n) has stopped crying.

"You ok?" I asked still not letting her go from the hug.

"You promise you won't leave me?" Shs looked up at me with puffy eyes and I had just known by the look and the amount of pain they held that she had been through alot of things in her life.

"I promise." I said sternly as I looked into her eyes. She then buried her head back into my chest and returned the hug as well, with it still raining outside so both of us were soaked with water.

"This is really cute and all and I'm really glad that yall are getting along so well, by the way I've set up next week as yalks date week so we've got a bunch of dates planned for yall, but anyways I just came here looking for Auntie, because we'll incase you haven't noticed it's really late and she promised to play uno with me." We looked over and saw gericka standing about 20ft away under a red with black flowers on it umbrella staring at us.

"Uh ok, I have to go now ukai-"

"Keishin, please, just call me keishin."

"Ok, well then, Keishin, I have to go play uno with my neice, please don't be a stranger and I'll see you next week." She gave me one last hug and went to walk with her neice.

"Ok bye (L/n)-"

"Just call me (Y/n), please." She looked over her shoulder and smiled. Oh shit I'm blushing now great.

"Well bye (Y/n), text me when you make it home safe." I waved goodbye to the both of them and saw gericka teasing (Y/n) about something. I shrugged it off as I went back into the store.


About 10 minutes after they left I received a message.

From: Annoying hottie
To: Annoying hottie 🙄😍
Hey, we made it home safely. 😊😊
Sent: 11:52 pm
Read: 11:52 pm

From: Annoying hottie 🙄😍
To: Annoying hottie
Ok, thanks for letting me know. Have a great night playing uno and I'll see you soon.😁😁

I set my phone down on the counter without shutting the screen off and I smiled.

"So who's Annoying hottie and, why do they have you smiling like that" a new voice said from behind me.

I jumped about 10 ft in the air and turned afound.

"GAH MOOOM DONT LOOK THROUGH MY STUFF, AND ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. at least not yet." I grabbed my phone and quickly shut it off as I gave a slight pout. She just walked away as she laughed.

'God this family can be Annoying sometimes.'

(A/n) ukai pov part was an idea from fullmoonkaashi. Thank you!!

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