
Start from the beginning

[No, I'm just asking. Anyway, go home already.]

"Ahh I heard about what happened with Pah-chin. I feel sorry about him."

[Hmm. It was really awful.] Both of you stay silent for a moment until you let out a soft breath.

"Why don't you guys call a cops instead you guys fight with them, I mean they're older and probably stronger. What if they use--"

[Don't worry, everything's going to be alright. Go back home already, ah text me if ever you got home. Bye.]


You let out a sigh for the ninth and drive home. After that, you quickly took a shower and finished some of your homeworks then eat your dinner. You wryly lay on your bed while you were searching some series on netflix.

It'sss booorrriiinnggg

You rolled yourself on your bed. Hina and Yuzuha must be busy right now because they didn't send you some message. You're getting bored yet you can't sleep. You took your phone and scroll over on your social media to find some trends or something. Time goes by and you sleep peacefully.

You woke up early and prepared for school.

"Dad!" You scream when you saw your Dad on the kitchen preparing some breakfast. Your father look at you while holding a wooden spoon.

"What is it, Honey? It's early in the morning, you'll going to wake Mom." He said softly. You smiled and look to what he's cooking.

"Why? Is mom really that tired?" You asked then went on the fridge to get some milk.

"Hmmph.. She must be." You pursed your lips and chuckled. "Dad, how did you met, Mom?" You asked out of nowhere.

"Well, all I can say is we were not getting along back then. He want me die but now she's really in love with me." You nod slowly and finished your milk. You didn't ask anymore and eat already after that you bid your goobye to them and proceed at school.

As you get to school you thought that everythings going to be alright when Emma come at you in tears.

"W-what's wrong??" You worriedly ask as you hug her back. She's sobbing on your chest.

"Mikey and Draken are not in a good conditon. They fight because Pah-chin got arrested." Your eyes widen about what she said.

"W-what?? I-... are you serious! I thought everything's going to be fine." You said. "Do you know where are they?"

She shook her head between your chest. "I don't know. Hina's with Takemichi right now at the hospital. I don't know what's the problem of the gang Moebius they just attack them then Pah-chin did something horrible. He stab someone." You licked your lower lip. You can't bear seeing your friends crying in front of you.

You take time to calm Emma down and decided to ditch your afternoon school and pay a visit to Takemichi at the hospital. You bought something for him before you go.

"Oh my gosh. Why are you always beaten up?" You worriedly ask to Takemichi when you saw his bruised face. Hina gave you subtle smile. You put the foods on the the desk and took another chair to sit.

"What happened with Toman? We were jus having fun last sunday but now... this isn't right anymore." You confronted looking worriedly at your friend Takemichi.

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