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today was not her day. like really not. she felt exhausted, furious, downcast and probably every other emotion you didn't want to feel on a friday morning. but mostly kate felt lonely. so, so lonely. she had nobody to talk to. to go to. to hang out with. it's just her and the tv, some alcohol and food from the hotel cuisine.

she still didn't talk to mark. she was just too mad about the whole situation. not that she could blame him. when such a beautiful woman like addison would show up in her hotel room wanting to be comforted kate would've done the same. it was just the image in her head that didn't want to go away despite the amount of alcohol she drank. the pictures of them naked in some hotelroom are just sending a shiver down her spine. and not a good one.

she wasn't obsessive over addison. she could do what the hell she wanted. but still kate felt like mark just stepped into her territory and touched what's hers.

mark would try and talk to her the first days after it and even brought her coffee. but kate always ignored him and pretended that her pager went off. after three days of trying mark gave up and copied what kate did.

addison was completely different. the moment she saw kate walking out of the hotel with a brunette that had her arm wrapped around her she started to be get jealous. like olivia stepped into her territory. it would be flattert for kate when addison would act on her jealousy. but instead of coming over and kiss kate in front of the others she just walked away everytime kate would be near her. she would also watch kate walking out of the hospital probably wondering if she's going to meet the brunette again.

so all kate has now was nothing. no one. not even one close person. there were a few nurses she went out with. and in kate's world went out meant making out with them in the bar toilet. not very noble but it's what she needs. still that wasn't enough for her.

she could call her friends in florida but she didn't want to. they were never her real friends. she couldn't go to them with her problems. when she needed something or someone. when she was crying her eyes out after her parents were once again mad at her. they just liked her for money and looks.

in fact everyone liked her for her money. friends, family members, school, colleges and the people she worked for. it was what she was known for. the girl with the rich parents. her friends parents always brownnosed. that's why she had a lot of them. not that she didn't like having people around her. her parents never gave kate attention and those friends did. that's probably the only reason she hang out with them. it was also always a reason for woman to like kate. kate sometimes had to pay them. only some did it for free just to say that they had something on going with a rich girl. the others would trade money for sex and attention. people would think this is a sad, almost pathetic lifestyle. but for kate it was the only way to get what she wanted.


but here in seattle it was different. she could make new friends who don't know about her family's assets. people would like her for her and not for some colored paper in her wallet. it was a relievement for kate to know that she just had to be herself and that people would accept her nonetheless. she didn't have to wave with money in front of women's faces to get them home with her.

money was never something she liked to have. it only caused problems. financial and mental ones. but on the other hand having money is pretty cool. that's why she lives in this big ass hotelroom with room service fulfilling her every wish.

from breakfast with pancakes and exotic fruits. to dinner with expensive fish and champagner. everything she wants, she gets.

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