The Bear

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Around a year ago, when you had only recently joined the Avengers and moved in with them, you brought in the tradition of a Valentine's day gift-swap. After learning that the team never did anything special for Valentine's day, you knew you had to step in and bring some loving spirit into the compound. The idea was simple, and much like secret santa, where you would all pick a name out of a hat and then you would have to get your chosen person a gift. As much as everyone tried to act disinterested over the idea, they all happily obliged, doing a terrible job of hiding their excitement over the whole thing.

At that time you had only been living at the compound for 2 weeks so you barely knew anyone but you were sure that this gift-giving idea would bring you closer to the team and welcome your signature holiday flare.

When the actual day itself came around, it was very sweet and adorable. Everyone bought their person a small gift just to show some love and appreciation. Some bought cards, some bought candy, there were even some flowers exchanged. You had pulled Natasha's name, and she wasn't the easiest to buy for and it didn't help that you hadn't even had a conversation with her yet but you always saw each other around the compound all of the time. You ended up buying her a teddy bear with the words 'You're' and 'Cute' written on its feet.

Nobody really kept their identities anonymous when exchanging so neither did you, walking over to her and handing it right to her. She smiled wider than you had ever seen her smile before and you saw a certain glow in her face as she thanked you, and her face held it for the rest of the day in fact.

At the time you thought nothing of it but the two of you soon started dating, only months later and it was then that you learned that Natasha slept with that bear EVERY single night. Ever since you gave it to her, she hasn't spent a night without it. You thought it was cute though she worried that you would mock her for it when the two of you moved into the same room at the compound. After reassuring her that it was not stupid, but in fact ADORABLE, she continued to sleep with it. Sometimes she would rest her head on it as she slept, sometimes cuddled into her chest, sometimes tucked under her arm, anyway she did it, your heart would explode at the sight. Seeing the badass, cocky, sometimes scary assassin all soft and vulnerable was enough to make you melt at the sight.

You would never say it out loud, and neither would Natasha but she had some serious attachments to that bear. It was the first gift you ever gave her and by far the sweetest gesture she's ever gotten. It didn't help that she already had a burning crush on you at the time she received it too. She would even go as far as to take it on missions with her, storing it away in a backpack so that the other people on the team wouldn't see it and make fun of her for it. It brought her comfort to know that she had it with her, especially on those missions that she would go on without you.

Call it crazy or call it cute but very recently, she had the idea to make sure that YOU held the bear when the two of you slept so that it would eventually smell like you. You obviously obliged, clutching the bear to your chest every night and tucking it under your neck slightly whilst holding her close at the same time. She loved that you loved the bear and wouldn't mock her for it, seeing as this is a side to her that no one else gets to see, and it reminds her why she fell in love with you in the first place.

However, today was- well.... a nightmare.

Natasha had just returned from a mission with Peter and the two of you were ready to settle down for bed when she realised something.

"Y/N, have you seen my bear?" She said, rummaging through her backpack, tossing everything out of it onto the bedroom floor.

"No, you had it last."

"I swear he was right here I don't know where he is." She said, panic beginning to fill her voice.

"Okay, okay..." you said, climbing out of bed towards her, trying desperately to calm her nerves. "Let's go take a look downstairs, maybe you left him there." You said calmly, stroking her arm.

"Y-yeah, okay." She stuttered, grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the room.

The two of you looked all around. Turing the compound upside down and inside out just looking for this bear. You did it as quietly as possible trying not to wake the rest of the team.

"Where IS HE?!" Natasha half yelled, half cried in frustration, throwing a pillow down on the ground aggressively.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, okay, we'll find him. He's got to be around here somewhere." You assured, approaching her slowly.

"Where, Y/N?! WHERE?! We've searched this whole place and he's NOWHERE." She shouted quietly, breaking into tears at the last word. She slumped down on the couch, and let her head fall into her hands whilst she silently broke down.

"Oh, Nat." You whispered, sitting down next to her and pulling her into your side. "Please don't cry."

She just sobbed, her sniffles and whimpers being heard faintly.

"How about we just go to bed and we'll look again in the morning."

She sent you a death glare. "And how do you expect me to sleep?"

You sighed and gently rubbed her back whilst her head fell back down. That's when you both heard quiet footsteps behind you.

"What's up with you?" Peter asked quietly, standing there awkwardly.

"Nothing." Natasha deadpanned, her head not leaving her hands.

"It's alright, Nat just lost her be-"

"DON'T" She interrupted as you tried to talk to Peter. You knew she didn't want Peter to know about the bear, or even see her cry for that matter, but that ship had sailed as soon as she said that.

"Maybe he can help." You muttered, shooting her a sympathetic look. She just looked at you and let herself sink back down.

"Peter, Natasha lost her bear, you know, the one from Valentine's day last year. Can you help us look for it please?"

"Oh you mean the one in the passenger seat on the quinjet? I-I know you probably didn't want me to see it Miss Romanoff, a-and if your embarrassed I'm sorry..." He stuttered out shyly. "I saw you hugging it on the ride home from the mission today and then you didn't pick it up after, but I didn't wanna say anything in case you thought I was watching you."

You saw Nat sink further into her seat out of pure embarrassment but you just smiled to yourself over the thought.

"Thanks Peter, goodnight." You said in attempt to get him out of there to relieve Nat at least a little, and he scurried off.

"Cutie." You joked, nudging her as you got up.

"Shut up." She mumbled, following close behind.

You made it to the quinjet and what do you know. There was the bear, buckled into the passenger seat at the front of the jet. Natasha quickly swiped it out of the chair and held it close whilst you guided her back out and into the compound.

The two of you climbed into bed, her never letting go of the bear as you pulled her into your embrace.

"You even bucked him in." You cooed, kissing her cheek.

"Don't start." She mumbled.

"You love me really." She sighed and hummed in appreciation as you continued to press kiss after kiss into her cheek and she melted further into you.

"If Parker says a word to anyone, I will kill him myself." She bit, now closing her eyes.

"You tell em bubs."

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