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Pluviophile: One who loves rain; one who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.

You were riding your bike home from school one calm afternoon after you had stayed in school later than usual to finish some homework. You could never get anything done in the compound. It was always so loud and hectic, and even when it wasn't, there was always something interesting going on that would distract you, so you tended to do any work you had at school. Mainly, you did this so that you could come home and not have to worry about it.

Cold and exposed out there on the roads, peddling on your bike, your clothes absorbed every droplet of water that came cascading down from the grey clouds overhead. The gentle rumble of thunder brought a warmth to your innards that completely overshadowed the freezing outdoor climate. This weather was so comforting, in ways you couldn't really explain. You never really knew why you loved the rain so much but you did.

Your jacket had given up trying to offer you protection from the heavy downpour, each article of clothing now sticking to your skin rather uncomfortably, your hair now several shades darker and your face glossy and slick thanks to the many droplets that had sought refuge from the damp concrete to rest upon your face. You, unfazed as ever, revelled in this feeling. Wishing that you would never make it home. That you would never have to hide away from the waterfall of pleasure trickling down from the gloomy skies, that you would never stop listening to the gentle grumble of the thunder. But you knew all too well, not only were you closing in on the compound, now only around 5 minutes away, but you also weren't some inhuman that could stand to be out in the chilly late November climate and never reap the consequences.

It was freezing, and you knew that if you weren't careful, you would probably end up catching a cold, or worse, contracting some form of hypothermia. Although at times you thought that having a cough for a couple days, along with a runny nose and a mild headache was worth it just to bask in the feeling of sheer liberty and liveliness from the wind-driven deluge, you knew that you could afford to spend more time off of school.

As you arrived back home, locking up your bike on the rack and heading inside, a little later than usual, you trudged in, leaving small puddles in your wake in the direction of your room. You sped past the many people that occupied the kitchen-living room area, trying to get to your room as quickly as you could so that you could shower and get dried and be able to sit on your window sill to watch the rest of the rain come down.

"Hey kid how was schoo-" Tony started.
"Good, yeah." You said not even sharing a glance. It was always the same old. He'd ask you how school was, you would say good, and that was always the end of that. You don't even know why he called you kid anymore, you were 18, that's barely a child.

"How come you're so wet? You could have asked one of us to pick you up." Steve asked from the sofa.

"I didn't mind." You said, still heading towards your room. There was no way you were going to ask one of them to get you just so that you could sit in a warm car during this weather. That would be boring.

You passed Clint on the way to the elevator. "Hey kiddo..." There it is again. "...dinners nearly ready, want me to-"

"I'm not hungry, thanks." You said abruptly, pressing the number for your floor in the elevator and away you went.

"What's gotten into her?" Sam asked the rest of the team that were in the room, all of which had witnessed everything that had just happened.

"She's in a rush to do something I know that for sure." Steve concluded, turning his attentions back to the TV, as did Bucky, Sam, Tony and Pietro.

"That was odd, don't you think?" Wanda muttered to Nat, both of which were stood in the kitchen, supping a glass of wine each.

"Yeah, strange... I'll be right back." Nat set down her glass on the kitchen counter and went upstairs, following the watery footsteps.

You had just got out of the shower, kind of relieved to finally be warm, dry and cosy, yet missing the freeing feeling of the rain outside. Slipping into a plain grey tank top and a pair of comfortable black shorts, you headed over to the huge window in your room, the one that took up an entire wall and situated your self on the windowsill. Resting your head against the window, watching as a spot began to fog on the glass from your breath, you felt the most relaxed you had felt in a while.

Your door quietly opened, so quietly in fact that you hadn't even noticed and in wandered the red-head. She rested against the door frame, in awe of the sight of you sat peacefully staring out of the window, in adoring the rain that poured outside. Not wanting to interrupt your calm state she just observed. She thought you were the most adorable thing ever. Gently fiddling with your fingers as you watched a gentle stream makes it's way down the driveway. Taking slow and regular breaths as you listened to the rhythmic patter outside. How your damp hair was tucked behind your ears and your perfectly tanned skin was super hydrated and fresh. She could smell the shampoo you used from the bathroom, looking forward to every inhale because of how much it smelt like you.

She was no longer able to keep her presence unknown once you smiled softly as you watched two raindrops slide down the window from the outside, eagerly waiting to see which once would win the race to the bottom. She couldn't help but let out an audible 'awww' and that's when you snapped out of your daze and looked over in her direction.

"Oh, umm, hi Nat." You said sheepishly, now embarrassed because you were unsure how long she had been watching you for.

"You're adorable you know that?" She cooed, making her way over and sitting next to you. You just laughed awkwardly, unsure of how to reply, seeing as you never knew how to take a compliment.

"How come you didn't want dinner?" She asks quietly, as you gazed over the dark outdoor setting.

"I wanted to watch the rain."

Nat's heart melted then and there over your words. She had taken note of all of the other times you would go missing since you had joined the team. She noticed how you would always be absent when it rained and you would either be outside in it, on the balcony watching it, or simply staring from your window.

"You're a little pluviophile huh?"
"What?" You turned your attentions to her. She was just grinning widely at you.
"A pluviophile..." She nodded, expecting you to know what she was hinting at. You just shrugged, signalling for her to elaborate.
"A pluviophile, someone who loves the rain. You love it don't you?"
"Y-Yeah... I guess. Sorry it's weird."
"No! No. It's not weird, it's adorable actually."

You smiled shyly, looking down at your lap and she smiled back. She thought you were the cutest thing in existence at that moment and she wanted nothing more than to cuddle up to you and relish in your sweetness. She couldn't bare the lack of physicality and decided to beckon you over.

"C'mere." She motioned for you to come and sit on her lap, which you gladly did, climbing over and sinking into her embrace. You rested your head on her shoulder, still keeping and eye on the rain as she held you tightly. She rocked you gently, placing soft kisses on your temple as you two engaged in light, hushed conversation for the rest of the night, just enjoying each other's company whilst you adored the downpour outside.

"You're good company." You mumbled, feeling yourself begin to grow tired. She smiled uncontrollably, planting a load of soft kisses against your cheek.

"You're so sweet." She said bringing you back into her chest, noticing how close to unconsciousness you were. With a few gentle strokes on your back, your body gave in and you dozed off to the sound of rain drizzling and the feeling of Natasha's warm embrace as she soothed you off to sleep.

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