Time Out

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"Are you serious, Y/N! Are you out of your mind!!"

Uh oh. You'd really done it this time.

It had been a boring winter evening and you had nothing to do. Completely bored out of your mind. After spending the day aimlessly wondering around the compound trying to find something to do or someone to talk to, you ended up doing nothing. Steve and Nat had gone away for the day on a quick mission, nothing too physically demanding, just some simple database hacking and whatnot. You would usually spend your off days with Nat, seeing as the two of you were a thing but with her absence, you had to find other ways to occupy yourself.

Now don't be fooled, you were a very charming and sweet little character with the natural ability to make great conversation and have a lot of fun. In fact you were the perpetrator of most of the fun around the compound and the others loved your ability to liven up the place. But, you weren't shy of chaos either. That happy and lovable girl was known for causing a whole load of mischief when she wanted to and the others had mixed feelings about this. Anything from pulling pranks, stealing other peoples things, or making annoying comments, you knew how to rub people the wrong way, and today you may have taken things a little to far.

"Quit smiling this isn't funny!"

As well as Nat and Steve being away, some of the others were out if the compound too. Sam and Bucky had been on a mission of their own for around a week now and were still there now. Clint, Wanda and Vision were out running errands and Thor was away in Asgard. The only people present in the compound were Bruce and Tony, who were working in the lab most of the day and did not want to be distracted. But there was also Peter, Carol and Pietro too. This was the first mistake. The four of you were the most mischievous of the avengers and leaving you all to entertain yourselves around the compound, unaccompanied, was always a recipe for disaster.

"Pietro told me to do it!" you pleaded, trying to wipe the smirk off of your face, but rather unsuccessfully.

"If Pietro told you to jump off a cliff would you, smartass?" Tony sassed, hot-headed over your actions.

"Well I can fly so that wouldn't really be an issu-"

"YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!" He interrupted. "Do you know how long it's gonna take me to get rid of those?"

What was he referring to? Well. after a day of doing absolutely nothing, waiting for Peter to return from Ned's house and for Carol and Pietro to finish training, you were met with an offer that you could not refuse. The chance to cause havoc. Subtle havoc.

You were situated on the sofa in the living room, playing on the compound's Xbox. You'd been playing it all afternoon and you were desperate for some real action that the game just couldn't seem to satisfy. Pietro wandered in, showered and in the mood to initiate some trouble. He sat next to you, watching you play as you wined desperately for him to do something with you. Anything. After some back and forth rambling, him telling you that he was too tired to do anything he got up and said he'd be right back. When he returned he held a few sheets of what looked like laminated paper in his hand. You looked at him, confused, until he set the sheets down of the coffee table in front of you. Oh it wasn't paper. They were stickers. More importantly... Avengers stickers.

You and Pietro had bought them from a store a while ago thinking it was funny and had planned to stick them in random places around the compound to see how long it would take for people to notice. However, missions had gotten in the way and you never got the chance to make a start. They stayed in Pietro's bedside draw completely forgotten for months... until now.

You nodded, setting down the controller and picked up the sheets, sliding them into your pocket and setting off on a walk around the compound. He walked with you, as you wandered the halls and many rooms, thinking about where you would like to stick your first sticker. The idea was that you would do it in places where people don't tend to look, but would eventually be found. You wanted your first spot to be a good one. Let's just say you got a little side tracked. You wandered into the room where tony keeps his suit and a light bulb went off in both of your heads as you exchanged an evil glance.

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