Video Games

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"Baby please, you've been at it all day."

"Nat you know Friday is designated Xbox day... like every other Friday." You say, your eyes glued to the screen as you play a round of Team Deathmatch with the rest of the boys and Carol on Call of Duty.

Every Friday, you guys like to play Xbox to wind down for the weekend. It became ritual when Tony bought the console for everyone in the compound. It became the highlight of your week, seeing as it was always a lot of fun and you guys would have a lot of laughs. Natasha was the only one who didn't really seem to care for it. She never got into it so she used to hang with Wanda on a Friday night while you guys would play. However, recently Wanda has started to get into it, not playing, but she would sit in Pietro's room and watch him play in an effort to try and learn the controls before she joined in on the fun.

This left Nat, who stubbornly refused to participate, claiming that it was stupid and a waste of time. On many occasions you had tried to get her into it, even if she just watched but she would just complain the whole time, but you never gave up. Every Friday you would try and drag her into it. You really wanted her to play. It was always so much fun and you would always end up laughing until your stomach hurt because of some of the conversations you guys would have in the party chat. You knew it would be even better with Nat involved but she never gave in. You saw Wanda's sudden interest to join as an opportunity. Now Nat had no one to hang around with on a Friday. She was forced to either be alone, or join you in your room. You were DETERMINED to rope her into it. And you felt like tonight would be the night she'd break.

"I know, that's my point. Cant you just skip it this week, just this week... please?" You could hear the pout in her voice, even though you weren't looking at her. You were sat on the sofa in your room which faced the TV with your feet up on the small coffee table whilst Nat was sat on the bed behind you.

"But it's been a hard week for all of us and I was really looking forward to it this week." You complained, still looking at the screen.

"I know but I wanna cuddle and watch the new Black Mirror episode." She whined, the neediness becoming evident in her tone.

It's a good job she couldn't hear what was going on in my headset because they were all imitating her in the party.

"Oh Y/N please, Natty-Watty wants cuddles." Tony mocked.

"Please Y/N, please I neeeeeeed yooooou." Clint joked.

Sam started fake crying which everyone laughed at.

I started chuckling to myself because they were right, she was being needier than normal and she'd be embarrassed if she knew they could hear her right now.

"What're you laughing at?" She said sternly.

"Nothing I just-"

"What are they saying about me?" Her tone not shifting.

"Nothing..." You scooted over on the couch. "...Look, come sit here with me and I'll cuddle you here." You said patting the spot next to you on the sofa.

"Noooo" She whined. "I wanna do it right here baby, pleaseeee." She pointed to a spot on the bed.

"Sorry bubs, I'm staying right here. You know, you could always play?" You said finally turning around to look at her. She was laid on her side looking at you with a cute pout on her face.

"I'm not playing that stupid game, Y/N."

"Have it your way..." You turned back around and continued to play. You didn't hear another word from her after that, only the occasional heavy sigh or a groan to try and get your attention and realise how sad she was but you weren't giving in. You knew she wasn't really that sad, she was just trying to guilt trip you into doing what she wanted, she always did it, and you weren't caving this time.

After around an hour, you had played many rounds and had many stupid conversations which left you and the rest of the guys in fits of laughter. Mainly it was because of Carol and Thor's bickering which was always entertaining. You hadn't heard a noise out of Nat which made you assume she had fallen asleep or given up, until you saw her sauntering over to you out of the corner of your eye.

She rounded the sofa and made her way over to you, plopping herself down right on top of you, making you release a loud grunt from her landing. She had straddled you and tightly wrapped her arms around your neck, and resting her head on your shoulder while her hand lazily fiddled with your hair. You moved your arms to wrap around her so that you were still using the controller but keeping her in place.

"I knew you'd come around eventually." You joked.

"Shut up." She groaned, making herself more comfortable.

You turned your head, pecking her cheek quickly before returning to playing the game. She stayed there for a while, just snuggling further and further into you, sometimes kissing your neck or jaw, trying to coax you out of playing your game but she gave up quickly when you weren't giving in.

After another half an hour, she pulled away from your chest, making you think she was leaving and going to bed, which made you kind of sad since you were enjoying cuddling with her AND playing at the same time. What she did instead actually surprised you. She swivelled around in your lap, and sat facing the TV with her back rested against your chest and her head on your shoulder. She rested her hands on your wrists and you continued to grip your controller and play the game. You pressed a firm kiss on her temple and she let out a relaxed sigh. She was finally coming around. Slowly but surely. You were going to make a playful comment about her giving in but you didn't want to discourage her since you were enjoying the fact that she was sitting on you while you played, so you refrained.

This woman never failed to surprise you because after a short while of you playing and her watching, she swiped the controller from your hand and began playing herself. And let me tell you... she was GOOD. Like scarily good. You could hear the other guys screaming down the mics, either because they were so surprised how you got so good out of nowhere, claiming you were cheating, or the guys on your team were cheering you on.

"Sorry boys, I cant take credit." You announce before taking off the headset and placing it on Nat's head, and placing a kiss on her head shortly after, noticing a large grin on her face.

You could hear muffled shouting and screaming through the headphones while Nat just laughed to herself. "I'm an assassin what did you guys expect?"

Natasha sat there for the rest of the night, playing along with the boys and joking with them all. As badly as you wanted to say 'I told you so', you couldn't risk it in case it put her off. The mere sight of her enjoying herself whilst she sat on your lap comfortably was more than enough. As much as you wanted to play, you wouldn't dare ruin this precious moment.

You lifted one side of the headphones mid-game and mumbled, "Shall I text Tony and tell him to get you an Xbox then?" She nodded, too concentrated on the game, but the round soon ended.

"Hey, it's not so bad after all." She smiled turning around with a smile before pressing a kiss to your lips. "I thought you might say that." And with that she planted a few more kisses on your lips before she turned back around to start a new round and you just held her that little bit closer to you for the rest of the night.

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