This Is War

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"Places people!" Thor boomed.

You and a few of the Avengers had decided to reenact a fight scene out on the grass outside of the compound. The teams were You, Peter and Carol vs Pietro, Thor and Scott. So pretty much... the children of the compound. All of the other members had declined your offer to join in on the mini-battle you were having, although, Nat, Steve and Tony were watching you from one of the balconies. They sat sprawled on deck chairs, drinking and laughing over your childishness. But if this was how you all wanted to spend your off-days, then what's the harm? It was free entertainment for them anyways.

"We begin on my count."

This was no ordinary battle. This was one of your intense off-day wars. A Nerf war. As the childish members of the Avengers, it was a staple to own at least one Nerf gun. You guys would usually drive the others crazy. Whenever you weren't on a mission you'd be causing chaos around the compound. Running and sliding down hallways, hopping over couches and counters, power sliding under tables, screaming and giggling, all whilst pinging each other with Nerf bullets. You drove them all insane with how they would find those little bullets everywhere. Under the couches, in plant pots, even in the fridge. They were just glad that the nice weather had meant that you had taken your war outside this time. The rules of the war were that you could not use your powers at all, just the guns, and once you were hit, you were 'dead'. Last team standing wins. Past games taken into account, the score was currently sitting at 8 - 7, with Thor's trio beating you by 1 point. You had already huddled for your team talk and gave a long motivational speech on how you needed to tie things up.

These wars were a big deal. It gave the winners total bragging rights for the rest of the week, and you were all very competitive people, so losing was not an option.

"In 3... 2..."

You were all in position. Guns locked and loaded. You had devised a strategy in your team talk. Peter would take Scott, Carol would go for Thor, and you were responsible for Pietro. During the stare-down and countdown, faint cheers could be heard from the direction of the compound as Tony, Nat and Steve rallied up on the balcony, raising their beers, ready for a show.

"... 1... FIGHT!!"

You all fled off in your different directions, dodging oncoming bullets, running in zigzags. You were trying to get them to waste their ammo, and it seemed to be working. Seemed. You chuckled as you heard Peter screaming in the distance. He was being chased by Scott who now had him cornered. "HEEELLPPP!!" he cried, causing you to almost fall to the ground with how much you were laughing. "Looks like I'm the better insect, sucker." He joked as he shot Peter right in the leg. You took this opportunity, whist still trying to run from Pietro's fire, to shoot Scott whilst his back was turned. You aimed and pulled the trigger, knocking him right in the back of the head. "NOO!" he cried and Peter fell to the ground, gripping his stomach in fits of laughter. Him and Scott sat off to the side on the grass, now observing as they were out.

Thanks God you were banned from using our powers, because there's no way you would be able to outrun Pietro right now. Over to your right as you're still sprinting for your life, occasionally turning around to fire a quick shot at Pietro, you see Thor and Carol in a straight stand off. Stood completely still aimed in on each other. "SHOOT HIM!" You cried out, severely out of breath and glaring at her. She smirked and pulled the trigger, and her bullet flew and hit him right in the shoulder. Unbeknownst to her, he had also pulled the trigger at the same time as she had and he hit her right in the leg. They were both out. "GOD DAMN IT!" Carol shrieked, giggling at the same time. Both annoyed that they were out, they trudged over to where Peter and Scott were sat, and sat beside them, cheering and chanting now that it was just you and Pietro left.

You were still bolting through the grassland, desperately hoping that Pietro was about to run out of bullets sometime soon. As soon as that happened, you had planned to turn around and start shooting at him, and he wouldn't be able to defend himself. As you carried on dashing away, miraculously still a few feet ahead of the speedy Maximoff you could hear chants and cheers coming from all directions. "RUUNNN Y/N!" Carol screamed. "JUST SHOOT HER!" Thor yelled, stood up because of how on edge he was. "GOOOO Y/N." You were a little confused as to who had shouted that one. It wasn't Carol or Peter and the other two wouldn't be rooting for you. You look in the direction of the compound building to see Nat jumping up and down on one of the balconies cheering you on. Steve and Tony were also there, leaning against the railing, smiling and whistling. In the heat of the moment you had chosen to wave at them, completely oblivious to the fact that you were heading full speed towards a fence. And before you knew it... CRASH.


"Y/N... Y/N!" As your eyes slowly fluttered open and you tried to focus on the looming object in the way of your vision. There were muffled calls of your name still going on but all you could let out in response was a groan. As your sight adjusted itself, you could see that Natasha was hovering over the top of you, a worried look painted on her face as her hand gently caressed the top of your head. "Hey, Y/N. You alright?" You nodded and shifted yourself to sit up, groaning and wincing as you did so. "You're bleeding." Just as she said that, you felt a warm liquid trickle down your cheek from your temple, and it dripped down onto your clothing. You must've hit that fence harder than you thought. She scooped you up, like a fireman saving a helpless victim, and carried you all the way to the compound. A worried Pietro followed close behind, spluttering comments like "Is she okay?" and "I'm really sorry."

You made it inside and she sat you on the kitchen counter, as she rummaged around looking for the first aid box. When she found it, she returned to you with a damp cloth and gently wiped the blood off of your face until all that was left was the clean cut just above your eyebrow. "Well that was dumb." You spoke up, making Natasha giggle slightly as she continued to stroke your face gently. She pulled a band-aid out of the box, unwrapped it, and placed it carefully over your cut. "There..." she said, cupping your cheeks and pressing a small kiss on the tip of your nose. "...All better." You smiled back at her, blushing slightly, and flung your arms around her in a tight hug. She peppered light kisses all over the side of your face, rubbing your back and tickling your sides a little. "You're a dummy." She joked, scrunching her nose as she looked at you. "Hey!" You gasped, punching her arm. "Did I say you're a dummy? I meant you're adorable." You couldn't help but blush a little more and lean in to peck her on the lips.

Just then, Pietro came around the corner. "Y/N, are you alright?" He asked, a hint of worry in his tone. "No, I'm a winner." You said. Without giving him a moment to think about what you said, you pulled a small Nerf pistol out of your pocket and shot him in the chest. A look of total shock covered his face, which then eased into laughter. He couldn't believe that you had the nerve to pull a stunt like that when he was genuinely concerned over you.

"What, you didn't see that coming?" You smirked.

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