New Friend

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Tony had decided to host a little midday party at the compound, like a cookout, and invited all of the avengers and friends. This included Steve, Bruce, Clint and his family, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Bucky, Sam, Thor, Loki, Rhodey, Fury, Peter, Nat, Strange, T'Challa, Jane, Maria, Pepper, Shuri, Valkyrie, Quill, Rocket, Groot, Drax, Gamora... you get the gist. Carol was also there and you had fought together a couple times but you had never really gotten to know her, but you were excited to, and so was she. The two of you had the same sarcastic sense of humour and she would send you memes and tag you in TikToks all of the time. You two had developed quite a strong friendship over the internet, but today at the party you would finally meet. You were one of those people who just loved to meet new people and chat to them whenever you could so it was likely that today you would be heavily distracted by the large volume of people attending the compound party.

Guests had started arriving and you and Nat walked into the main room hand in hand as you eagerly surveyed the room, looking for one face in particular. Your hand slid out of Nat's as you dashed towards Carol who had noticed you from across the room at the same time. You two caused quite the scene and the guests laughed, smiled and Tony even cheered when they saw the two of you leap into each others arms, crying and squealing as you spun around, completely overjoyed to finally meet.

Peter invited you outside to play frisbee with him and Pietro, which you accepted and dragged Carol with you. You played outside for a while, switching from frisbee, to catch, to tag, to hide and seek. Guests were scattered everywhere, in and outside of the compound seeing as this was a BBQ type occasion and Nat hadn't been able to ever get a hold of you; you were way too hyper to keep up with. Although she wouldn't admit it, she was jealous over all of the fun you and Carol seemed to be having. Laughing, running around, discussing inside jokes and creating a secret handshake. She couldn't help but feel like you wanted something more with Danvers.

Later in the party, Nat was in the kitchen with Wanda, Maria, Pepper and Jane, drinking wine and sharing some lighthearted gossip. She caught a glimpse of you and Carol speeding towards the door, rushing to get shoes on, grabbing sunglasses as Carol's car keys jingled in her hand. She overheard you mention something about going to get ice cream as you weaved your way through many guests in the compound. Her jealously growing a little more, and visibly as she gripped her glass tighter. She watched you get ready over by the door, laughing more with Carol, eavesdropping on your conversation. As Carol opened the door, ready to go, you stop in your tracks. "Wait!" you say, gripping Carol's shoulder, "you go on out, I need to go say bye to Nat." Nat hears this and smiles, realizing she has nothing to worry about.

You saunter over to the kitchen, all giddy as you approach Nat and wrap your arms around her waist, pulling her close. "Me and Carol are going to get ice cream, want me to bring you something back?" She cant help but find you adorable, you were always thinking of her and she dared to think for one moment that you would love anyone but her. "Surprise me..." she said smiling, pecking you on the lips and wrapping an arm around you. "You got it!" you muttered before breaking free from her hold and bolting towards the door.


Later that night, not many people were left standing. Most people had left. Tony, Pepper, Steve, Thor, Clint, his wife, Wanda and Vision were watching a movie in the living room, and so was Nat. You, Carol and Peter were sat at the dining room table building Lego, chattering away and laughing together, but not loud enough to disturb the movie. The way in which Nat was positioned on the couch allowed her to watch the screen, but if she turned, she had clear view of the table you were sat at, building, under a dim light. Even though she knew yours and Carol's relationship was strictly friendly, she still felt like she hadn't seen you enough today, and that you spent way more time with her today. She payed a little more attention to you than the movie, being a little over protective, checking that there was no funny business going on between the two of you. She was slightly more focused on you though. She found you completely adorable, especially when you wore a huge smile on your face and let out the cutest little laughs. She just hated that it was Carol who was responsible for it and not her, as she showed you something on her phone for the millionth time that day. You really did have the same humour and you nearly fell off of your chair laughing.

She watched out of the corner of her eye as you got up from the table, where Carol and Peter were still building and discussing, to go and pour yourself another drink. She got up and made her way to the kitchen too, this being her opportunity to finally catch you alone. "Hey..." you said with a smile, leaning your back against the kitchen counter. She just smiled and wrapped her arms around your waist, giving you a tight hug, and resting her head on your shoulder. You rubbed her back, drawing light patterns and occasionally kissing her head as you just melted into the hug and relaxed in this comfortable silence. She looked up and pecked your lips, now rubbing your back also. "Sick of me?" she mumbled into your lips as she continued to kiss them. "What makes you think that?" you question, pulling your neck back slightly to get a good look at her. She just sighs, "I feel like I haven't seen you all day," the red-head complained, placing her head back on your shoulder, nuzzling her nose into your neck; kissing it whilst she's there. "I was just excited, that's all..." you go on, stroking her hair, "I'm here now".

You place your drink down on the counter, and scoop her up bridal-style, carrying her back over to the couch. "Not jealous are we?" you joke. "Get over yourself." She says lightly punching your arm. You find a comfortable position to cuddle in and you stay there for the rest of the night tracing circles on her side, exchanging small kisses and whisper sweet nothings to one another. "I love you you know... and only you" you mumble into her cheek. She cups your cheek with one hand, peppering small kisses over your cheek, as her thumb rubbed the other. "Damn right, you better."

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