Noise Cancellation

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You loved music. Loved it. Maybe even obsessed with it. You could always be found with a pair of earphones in wherever you went. Obviously not in meetings or when socialising with the team or whatnot. You weren't anti-social, but whenever you could, you would stick your earphones in and just enjoy listening to your favourite songs. You were a firm believer in the idea that your life needed a soundtrack, so you had a playlist on the go for just about any sort of situation. For the car. When you're training. When your doing paperwork. When you're sad. When you're getting ready to go out. EVERY occasion, had a playlist to go with it.

A while ago, when you first joined the team, Tony had bought you a pair of airpods for your birthday, but he had modified them so that they were completely noise cancelling. Once they were in, no outside noises could disrupt you and your music, just the way you liked it. It's safe to say that you cried that day. A lot. And hard. That was almost a year ago now and the team had gotten used to the sight of you wandering around the compound with them in. Most of the team were always so infatuated by you and your music, often finding themselves wondering what sort of music you listened to or why you needed to have it playing so often. You didn't ALWAYS listen to it, so they could have simply asked, but to be quite honest, they loved the mystery of it.

One person who was particularly fascinated by you was Natasha. Only recently had she found out that you liked women and it only made her like you more. Her room was situated right next to yours and often she could hear music blaring through the walls when you were showering. She only got to hear a couple songs at a time but she had quickly learned that the two of you shared a very similar music taste. On top of that, she was equally as love-struck over your appearance, sense of humour, athleticism and intellect but the music was the icing on the cake for her.

She could never really catch you alone. You would never have your earphones in when eating dinner, or in a meeting, or when you were at a party with the team. In the same way that you wouldn't wear them during movie night, or board game night. Like I said, you weren't anti-social by any means. But in all these circumstances, you were in a group environment, and Natasha wanted to catch you alone. But whenever you were alone, like in training, or when studying or reading in the library, or just relaxing in your room, you would have your earphones in. Knowing full well how much you loved your music, she didn't want to disturb you, so she decided to just keep her feelings to herself. The task was much more difficult than she had imagined.

One night you wandered down to the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water, earphones in obviously. Natasha was sitting at the island, sipping tea when she noticed you walk in. You acknowledged her giving her a nod and a smile before heading to the fridge. She smiled back. Knowing your earphones were noise cancelling, she thought of the best way that she could get her feelings out without embarrassing herself. With your back turned, pouring water into a glass, she spoke at you, knowing you couldn't hear her. "You look really pretty. I wish I could go back to bed with you." She remarked. You turned, pulling an earphone out. "Did you say something?" She shook her head. "No." You left and went to bed.

Later that week you were down in the training room punching the bag, listening to your training playlist when Natasha walked in. You smiled at her and carried on and she came over and held the bag steady. She spoke again. "You're so hot. I just wanna kiss that cute face of yours." You saw her lips move and paused your song. "Sorry, say that one more time, I couldn't hear." She smirked and said, "Nice hit." You hummed awkwardly, noticing that what she said before looked as thought it was longer than that, but you soon forgot about it and got back to punching.

The next day you were sat in the library, reading quietly as you listened to some music. Natasha walked in and grabbed a book, sitting directly across from you. You smiled at each other and she took her chance again. "I hope you know how adorable you really are." You saw her say but you didn't hear. "Huh?" you said pulling an earphone out. "No, I said what are you reading?" You told her but you knew for sure this time that she had said something different. The way her mouth moved was different. What was she saying when you couldn't hear her?

The following evening, the team had ordered take out and were sitting in the living room. You wandered down from your room to the kitchen to grab some of the food when you saw Nat plating up some food for herself. As you passed behind her you quickly double tapped your airpod, making the music pause, making sure it was quick so she didn't see you do it. As you stood beside her with a plate, grabbing food, earphones still in, Natasha spoke; unaware that no music was playing in your ears. "I wish you'd just kiss me already." She mumbled, smirking at herself.

Without a word you set your plate down and turned to her, grabbing her chin and connecting your lips. She was super tense so you pulled away and stared at her confused. "What, you said to kiss you..." You quipped. "Y-You heard me?" She said shocked, blushing heavily. "Mhm." She stepped back. "Did you hear me all of those other times?" You knew you weren't seeing things. "No but now you have to tell me what you said." You laughed.

"Lets just go back to this instead." She said nervously, pulling you closer by the waist and pressing your lips back together. She lifted you up and sat you on the counter, standing between your legs as the two of you made out. Without breaking the kiss you took an earphone out and placed it in Natasha's ear, double tapping it once it was in to make the music play again. The two of you made out for the remainder of the night, moving from the kitchen to her room, finally able to listen to a playlist you had set aside specially for making out... with Nat. Yes you liked her too and you had set aside a playlist for this exact moment. Some call it weird, some call it manifestation, most call it living the dream...

Let's just say the earphones didn't stay in that night. You much preferred the sound of something else...

Natasha Romanoff - Fluff One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ