This Changes Everything

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The Giant Queen opened her eyes. My son. Said the Giant Queen. So, you have been holding back on me this whole time. Damn you, Jimmy. Said Reese rushing dashing at Jimmy. Jimmy almost instantly flies in front of Reese, stopping him by the neck. Reese punched Jimmy in the face. But Jimmy did not even flinch.

Jimmy blasted Reese in the stomach. Sending him flying. Jimmy flew over to Reese. Fuck. Said Reese blocking. Jimmy punched Reese, injuring one of his arms. Reese blasted the ground and flew into the sky. What is this? This wasn't in the book. Wait, where is he? Said Reese holding his arm. Reese looked down and Jimmy was right there below his feet. Jimmy grabbed Reese by the ankle. Reese blasted him in the face six times. Jimmy yanked Reese down and punched him into the ground.

Reese struggles, but gets up and charges. Thinking about what his father said, "Good, the next time I see you, you better have some good news for me or don't come home." I won't lose. Said Reese, charging Jimmy. Jimmy dodges every combo Reese throws at him. Jimmy then stops one of Reese's punches and hits him in the stomach. Jimmy unleashed a full combo on Reese.

Reese coughs up blood and drops to the ground. Jimmy blasted Reese five times from a distance and flew over to him. Jimmy was about to finish Reese with one last blast, but then Jimmy hears Otto still alive. With Jimmy distracted, Reese uses this chance to charge one final attack. Hey, idiot. Said Reese. Reese unleashes a powerful ray of energy in Jimmy's face.

This was the perfect moment for Reese to getaway. Reese turned and tried to fly away. Jimmy quickly flew over and knocked Reese down and started pounding him into the ground. Is this how I die? I did everything my father told me thinking he knew what was best. I mean look where he is. You don't just get there without knowing what you're doing. A lot of people tried and died, but not my father. My father, rather I live or die here today. I still can't return home. Not without that core. Thought Reese being beaten half to death by Jimmy.

Just as Jimmy was about to stump Reese. He stopped something that caught his attention. Stop this. Oh, I see. Said the Giant Queen, walking out of the trees. But how? You were all wiped out. Said Reese coughing up blood. Jimmy put his foot down and faced The Giant queen. You shamed us. Said the Giant Queen crossing her arms. Just as she finished her sentence, Jimmy launched at her. With ease, the Giant Queen caught Jimmy by the face and slammed him into the down four feet deep. Giants don't fight with rage. It makes you weak.

The Giant Queen smashed Jimmy's face into the ground. Go, your fight here is over. Said the Giant Queen picking up Jimmy and Alex. Reese got up and flew away. Back at Alex's Grandad's house. But how? Said Justin. Who is she? Asked Treaya. My mom. Said Justin. 10 minutes later into the story of Justin's mom. They took her to a secure prison located underground.

It is possible to get her out, but I will have to be your guide. Which means postponing my mission. Said the Protector. Just as The Protector was about to speak again Mupo and his sidekicks entered the house. Guess who's back, back again, Mupo's back, tell a friend. Guess who back, guess who back, guess who back, guess who back, an ack, ack, ack, ack, ack. Mupo, Mike, and Jake sang as they walked from the door to the living room.

Hey DJ check this out. Said Mupo holding a strain of weed up. Oh god, is that what it is? Bluetooth Berry or The Devil's Float. Oh, do not forget it was once called Blue Eye. Said DJ. Yes, where's Alex? Asked Mupo. Alex, forget about Alex. You should have heard what she said about your pants. Look at me and you, we smoke this maybe mike, jake, and The Protector take a puff or two and we all be down there singing your favorite song. But not Justin or Treaya.

Justin can't sing and Treaya, while Treaya doesn't smoke. So? Said DJ. No, I'm going to play Alex in Move Bitch. She thinks she can drive better than me. I'm going to show her why they call me to drift king. Well, when you see her tell her I have the pot of gold. Said Mupo walking off.

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