Chapter Eleven Time in between

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Leona and Sage appeared in the upper mountains above Walker Castle. "Grams what is going on?" asked Sage.

"A lot Sage. Right now, we need to get your belongings out of the castle!"

"It was you who arrived at the castle earlier?"

"Yes, and that is how we are getting in tonight. Before that set up Damian invited Angela for dinner tonight! You will join my security detail. Once we are inside slip away and get your stuff. If you must fight, be careful now that you have accessed your full power level."

"Yes Grams! What if I can't get back to you?"

"Then we will meet back here!" replied Leona as her two security mages joined them. "Dear you might want to change as well."

Sage nodded thought for a moment and her clothes changed. She now wore a long blue skirt and long sleeved black top. Last, she pulled up the hood of her cloak to conceal her face. Once she was done Leona put on her own costume. "Sage, please remember to keep your hood up."

"I will," she replied.

They faded away and reappeared down the road from the castle gate. Casey and Jane met them as they approached the castle, Leona and Sage also quietly spoke. When Casey reached them, they stopped. "Angela, we are glad you could join us this evening. Master Damian and Ian are awaiting you in a private room."

"Thank you, Miss. Matthew," said Leonia.

They followed them in to the castle. The place was lit up. Sage glanced up and saw Deirdra, Ian, Malcolm and Nicolas. Ian said something to Deirdra then disappeared inside. When they entered Sienna and Tessa stood at the door. Sienna watched Sage as they passed. They moved on Casey leading them past the dining room and into a small sitting room were Ian and Damian sat. "That will be all Casey," said Damian.

"Yes, Master Damian," she said and left.

Ian looked angry as Angela and her personal guard sat down. Ian looked up immediately and looked right into Sage's face. All he saw was a tall female wearing a black cloak. "Angela who is the young woman with you?" asked Damian.

"Yes, I'm sorry Damian this is my personal assistant and guard. Her name is Kay-Lana June."

"Why the hood?" he asked.

"It is part of her culture, women from Solara are not allowed to reveal their face among the public!"

Damian nodded and let it go without another thought. They would talk for the next several hours on why Angela's people should join him. Sage was having a hard time trying not to laugh. She was anxious as well though. Any number of people could recognize her on sight. At one-point Janet came in. "Uncle Damian, Master Nicolas is asking for you!"

"Go then and tell him I will be along."

"Yes, sir and you as well Miss Moonbeam!"

Angela nodded and stood. "Shall we then?" she asked.

"Yes," he replied.

The group headed out with Damian in the lead. He led them up several flights of stairs. Sage hung at the back of the group. At the fourth floor, she ducked off and moved quietly down the hall. It took a few minutes to reach her room at the front of the castle. When she reached the door, she found it locked. Sage smiled placed her finger on the lock and shot a yellow light into it. She heard the lock click. Sage turned the handle and pushed the door open.

It was dark inside so Sage through up a light orb. It gave off just enough light to see by. Nothing seemed to have been moved. She quickly gathered her stuff and packed it into a book bag. She then shrunk it and hung the bag from her belt. She took one last look around and headed for the door. When she reached it someone from the other side pushed it open. She stepped against the wall as Ian and Deirdra walked in. She stepped out the door behind them. Sage turned to run once in the hall and found her way blocked by Malcolm, Nicolas A. and James. She glanced back at the door and Ian blocked the way. Deirdra then stepped up to her. "Sissy that was a stupid thing you did!"

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