I was born in Tomsriver NJ. Lived in Seaside Heights NJ, Westborough MA,  Framingham and Milford MA where she currently resides. She is a Paramedic, Educator, Admin. Assistant, and Author. Amber also has an Associates in Engineering Design. She takes any opportunity to be writing. She loves working on crafts, reading, writing at any time and looking for the teachable moment. To learn more about Amber visit her on Facebook or her web site. www.amberrhae.com
  • Milford Ma
  • Дата регистрацииMarch 26, 2021


История от Amber Brandt
The Ascension от AmberBrandt7
The Ascension
Sage has been fighting in this war since she was a teen. She has lost family and friends in the past. The fut...
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